This is the Message Centre for HonestIago

a swift one

Post 1

Taff Agent of kaos


hows the wrist????

smiley - bat

a swift one

Post 2


It's getting better - it's about back to where it was before I broke it for the second time.

Got a docs appointment on Thursday to see how it's healing, hopefully I'll get good news then.

a swift one

Post 3

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

What did the good smiley - doctor say?

a swift one

Post 4


Not good news. Wrist isn't healing. Another check up in a fortnight but if there's no improvement by then they're going to put it in a cast.

a swift one

Post 5

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Eeek! smiley - yikes

Was it broken or just tissue damage?

a swift one

Post 6


I've got three breaks in my wrist: one on my scaphoid, which is healing, and two on my triquetral is broken in two places and that's not healing very well. I've still got swelling there from the original fall.

Can't really bend my wrist at all, though rotating it is alright. Having one of the lads bang it on Thursday hasn't helped.

a swift one

Post 7

Taff Agent of kaos

hows the wristsmiley - ok

hows worksmiley - run

hows yousmiley - magic

smiley - bat

a swift one

Post 8


The wrist is smiley - erm - it seems they used the wrong type of cast for my injury, which has caused one of my bones to set in a position it shouldn't have.

Which means on Thursday I'm going to go to hospital and they're probably going to break it (3rd times a charm I guess) and set it properly.

Work is same old, same old, but I'm dealing with it better. Had a hectic few weeks which has brought me some praise, a couple of good shots against the people giving me grief.

I'm on half-term. All is right with the world smiley - zen

a swift one

Post 9

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

>it seems they used the wrong type of cast for my injury, which has caused one of my bones to set in a position it shouldn't have.

Oh good grief. smiley - headhurts

>All is right with the world<

Well that is encouraging news. smiley - smiley

a swift one

Post 10

Taff Agent of kaos

hospitals smiley - rolleyes

i came off my bike a few yeas ago and badly dislocated my little finger(pointing wrong direction)

the hospital x-rayed my little finger and strapped it to the next one, week later at the consultant he looks at itsmiley - ermsends me for an x-ray of the whole hand, they had only strapped it to another dislocated finger and it was in the wrong position

he had to local my hand and try to dislocate it again then re strap them all........NHS?

smiley - bat

a swift one

Post 11


A bit of good news: my wrist had healed nicely and today's x-ray shows that it's only a thin carapace of bone that's set where it shouldn't have. According to the doctor that'll break on its own without me even noticing, and set itself in the proper position. That may well happen tonight.

Got to have some physio because the wrist has been immobilised for 2 months, and I'm not as limp-wristed as every gay man deserves to be, but that's the end of it. I finally get to sleep unencumbered.

Bit silly, all of this faffing around after two prat-falls.

a swift one

Post 12

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Woo-hoo! smiley - somersault

a swift one

Post 13

Taff Agent of kaos

morningsmiley - winkeyesmiley - ok

smiley - bat

a swift one

Post 14

Taff Agent of kaos

how you and the world????smiley - winkeye

smiley - bat

a swift one

Post 15

Taff Agent of kaos

up early!!

off to work???

smiley - bat

a swift one

Post 16


Yeah, my lift gets here in 10 mins. Actually had a lie-in this morning - didn't get out of bed until 6.30.

A combination of hangover and a bad sunburn have left me very sleepy.

a swift one

Post 17

Taff Agent of kaos

06:30smiley - yikes

just getting ready to pack up, ready to get out of

hows the wrist, job, life.....etc.

smiley - bat

a swift one

Post 18

Taff Agent of kaos

looks like warner is learning

he was on a hiding to nowhere there and suddenly its back to OP

who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

smiley - bat

a swift one

Post 19


Yeah, and I haven't even had a pop at him for being a dole-scrounger himself.

Maybe he'll get some common sense soon.

a swift one

Post 20

Taff Agent of kaos

i was slowly getting around to him being in the system as it were but he backed off too soon

smiley - bat

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