This is the Message Centre for Boots

The first rubicon

Post 1


Boots is going back to school. It may not be easy being an antique student and running a business but I have to do something to keep me out of trouble and the clutches of dribbling geriatrics who believe that I am a) rich (ha!) and b) cook (ha bl***y ha!).
On the plus side will be able to say 'wow' and 'cool' a lot and wear clothes from uni chlo and charity shops. On the minus side I shall have to give up smoking...students can't afford to smoke...on second thoughts perhaps I could persuade the flying Dutchman to bring them in with the flowers? Worth a try.
What I shall actually do is as yet not set in stone. I would like to take a TEAFL (or the other one) course and, if the mothballed brain cell can cope with that, I think a degree in creative writing and journalism could be next.
The choice of both courses is not without cunning and logic.
Teafl will enable me to travel. A habit I thoroughly enjoy. However being merely a tourist is I suspect far less entertaining or affordable when ancient and solo. Fools have told me that I have a teaching talent and it will be quite fun to teach youngsters words such as 'Bol' and 'locks'.

The degree is not so cut and dried. Having once attended a creative writing course in my dim and murky past I discovered that navel contemplating played rather an important part in the game alongside unpleasant competetiveness. Hopefully the discipline of journalism will balance this and teach me the grammar I so sadly lack.

The prospectus arrives tomorrow and a visit to the bank manager is planned for next month (when the wedding season draws to a close).

Thirty two years after leaving college, the drama variety, I am about to embark on the most terrifying journey of my life, alone and unaided. I would never have reached this decision without this site and the inspiration of the offsprung so, sorry folks, but you are all coming with me!
Take care

The first rubicon

Post 2


smiley - laugh

Yay! I can't wait for 'Schoolhouse Blues Part One' or something like that smiley - smiley

You will be keeping us posted?

smiley - blacksheep

The first rubicon

Post 3


We lurk in tandem Wolf!...Schoolhouse blues eh? Mmmmm I like that!
Take care

The first rubicon

Post 4


Yes we do! I've been trying to find an entry for scouting, but so far unsucessfully, it's harder than it seems smiley - flustered I'll probably be online a while longer while I'm still going through Peer Review

smiley - blacksheep

The first rubicon

Post 5


Hi boots! I'm well known to be a lurker, so I haven't popped out of nowhere although it may seem like it.

I've read all your Doghouse Tales, laughed with you and shed a tear for you over the past few weeks.

Returning to education is such a good idea! You have a real gift with words and I hope you can make the most of this. He would be very proud of you I'm sure.
smiley - bluefish

The first rubicon

Post 6


Aw shucks! Now I'm embarrassed...but you're right, he would be. He'd say I was barking too mind you!
take care and thanks for lurking
boots (happy to have met new peeps)

The first rubicon

Post 7


Thanks for reading my London Stone entry! Why not consider a trip up for the London meet and visit some of those places. Although, I imagine Saturdays are a busy day at work. Just for the evening maybe?
smiley - bluefish

The first rubicon

Post 8


Now there's a cary thought! When is it?
yikes! What are you sayong boot?
take care

The first rubicon

Post 9


whoops! should have read scary! Put your teeth back in boots

The first rubicon

Post 10


It's Saturday the 28th June, so not long to go. See here: A1045946 and if you want to know what kind of thing happens at one, just ask!
smiley - bluefish

The first rubicon

Post 11


Rats. No can do. The biggest wedding of the year that weekend. Florists flying in to help even. Start on thursday and it's a logistics nightmare. By saturday evening I doubt I shall be standing, crawling over to the indian is the max I could manage! Hey ho. Never mind hopefully I can make the next one. Off to the HofL that will be a bizarre experience. The run up has been daunting enough...could make quite an interesting Tale out for next weeks post!
take care and thanks for caring

The first rubicon

Post 12

LL Waz

Is this one of the decisions made? Go for it boots! I'm sure getting back to school is far more daunting as an idea than it will be in practise.

I'm not sure how much TEAFL would be a barometer for the degree course mind, they strike me as being very different experiences, but it would be excellent to have for travelling. I suspect you might find it unchallenging mentally - what I'm trying to say is I wouldn't make the decision on the degree course too dependent on the experience of the TEAFL one.

Where would you plan on going with TEAFL? America smiley - winkeye?

Waz (chasing smiley - blacksheep through the Underguide threads)

The first rubicon

Post 13


Oh tee hee like the America bit! Good to have you back.
I agree with you (teafl/uni) the two are pretty unrelated and the degree may be a tad ambitious with the business. I used to teach drama years ago and so I think the improvisation stuff on the teafl course will be quite fun...I can always nail their feet to the floor!I have the grades for uni and should have gone 32 years ago really but the boards beckoned! Also still not sure how the business is actually doing but should have a better handle on it by the end of the summer. I just feel I need to do something non commerce related (and non Ravager related) which is also mentally stimulating during the dark and gloomy winter evenings. The offsprung will have departed and I know I sooo can't do the social whirl game. I also need to brush up on grammar, spelling and putting words in the right order. Perhaps I should look at an on-line writing course? I don't know...the diving board is beckoning and I'll have to jump at some point...but I have a few weeks.
Hope you have sorted out all the work worries and thanks for your comments on the other thread (AWW). It felt a bit strange writing it but 'firsts' are always tricky. Hopefully I will have some good fodder for next week's article...Can't decide whether to do one on the flying game or the cocktail party at the HofL suspect the latter will be more amusing!
Take care friend and good to have you back

The first rubicon

Post 14


TEA in America? Not likely smiley - biggrin

smiley - blacksheepsmiley - run

The first rubicon

Post 15

LL Waz

Good point - you don't want to get thrown into the harbour Boots.

Don't jump off the board (especially into the harbour) - take a racing dive! From the writing you do I think you must be good at working on your own at home, in which case have you considered the OU? From what I understand you can go at your own pace with them.

That kind of first is difficult. The other kind of first, doing new things is good I think. For all of us in fact. My best first last year was trying sail boarding. smiley - surfer <- me! Not! Great fun, even with the ignominy of having to be towed back across the loch by the wee girl running the session. She didn't even wear a wetsuit - she came sailing over on her board in T shirt and shorts. Put me well in my place. I was falling off the board backwards, forwards, sideways, feet first, behind first, head first...every sort of first. What, by the way is H of L? Are you going for cocktails with Lords?!

It's good being back with friends here - the immediate work problem is sorted, the others need to be kept in their box. Can't have work spoiling life.
Waz (only on h2 can you share a thread with a hound, a sheep and a large fish smiley - smiley)

The first rubicon

Post 16

Also ran 1

Found you!

Keep well
AR1 smiley - schooloffish

The first rubicon

Post 17


Make that ...a hound, a smiley - blacksheep, a smiley - bluefish and a smiley - schooloffish

smiley - blacksheepsmiley - drool

The first rubicon

Post 18

LL Waz

a smiley - dog, a smiley - blacksheep, a smiley - bluefish and a smiley - schooloffishsmiley - biggrin.

Hi AR1 smiley - smiley.
the buzzer! my pork chop is burning smiley - run

The first rubicon

Post 19


smiley - droolsmiley - schooloffish and smiley - bluefish are lucky smiley - blacksheep is a vegivore erm herbivore

smiley - blacksheep

The first rubicon

Post 20


This entire thread is in danger of becoming silly. smiley - sillysmiley - biggrin

Boots, I would be so afraid of going back to school. You have more nerve that I have. Congratulations and I hope you enjoy it. I'll look forward to the articles about it. You could do a series about what it's like for a middle-aged (sorry) woman to go back to uni. It might inspire other folks to do the same. smiley - rainbowsmiley - bussmiley - ok

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