This is the Message Centre for Boots

The first rubicon

Post 21


It already is silly!! smiley - silly

By the way, there's an excellent entry on adult education at A930250

smiley - blacksheep

The first rubicon

Post 22


Waz and Jo you are the best! 'Patrick' lost his dog today. His best friend for fourteen years and my second daughter, (her of the in laws who is most special and who you have not met yet) lost her most favourite aunt. We have decided that this should be the end of the three bad things that have happened this month. We don't want to believe any of it and the depth of bereavement is relevant to each of us but we all know it is true and fact...we have now a shared time warp...a shared healing journey for the future.

There are only two constants in life;

1) You are the lucky sperm who maked it to the fruition of life.


2)Death is the new adventure.

The bit in between is what you make of it.

It is just hard for those who aren't embarking on 'the gap'.

take care of every part of it

The first rubicon

Post 23


Excuse me this zoo this is becomming rather disturbing. Sheep should be in fields, fish in oceans, and seals belong under piers! Diving boards may be above but without pier pressure will not be climbed or dibed off! Currently I am happy in the garden. The beans may have been planted late but show signs of blossom and the herbs are begging to be harvested...flora is so much more manageable than fauna and oceana...don't you think Hypatia?
take care friends

The first rubicon

Post 24


smiley - wow

s oh wise one...

smiley - blacksheep

The first rubicon

Post 25


My goodness you are a veritable miners inc. great thread though...only read a little as 'patrick' needed my time. Will injest thoroughly 'am morgan.'(working on my languages ...that'll be cod German!) Could be another late night so still time to talk.
take care

It's a zoo out there...

Post 26


Which thread?

At least the animals can live in peace. I suppose a normal smiley - dog might try to knaw on a smiley - bluefish but we know Boots wouldn't do that. The smiley - blacksheep likes the smiley - fishes and the smiley - dog wouldn't hurt a fly. Although the White Tourist (That's be waz (long story)) might go fishing smiley - yikes

smiley - biggrin

smiley - blacksheep

It's a zoo out there...

Post 27


'Scuse me... boots will devour anything that he doesn't have to cook and is on weight watchers allowance. 'If it swims it slims' fish watch out!
Actual quote from our leader...
'If it has wings or fins it slims'... anything falling into this category run for your life! Remember I have a friend who dances with sheep!
Take care and beware!

It's a zoo out there...

Post 28


smiley - laugh

Well you'll have to restrain yourself. smiley - bluefish and the smiley - schooloffish are exceptional smiley - fishes! If a smiley - vampiresmiley - blacksheep can restrain himself, so can a smiley - dog

smiley - biggrin

smiley - blacksheep

My that's a lot of smiley - smileys

It's a zoo out there...

Post 29


Dear God in heaven Jo reading your threads is like trying to decipher the cryptic crossword in the Times (a rather illustrious 'British' newspaper what ho!). The only fish I don't eat are swimming on Maldivian reefs and, I suspect, I have even (unwittingly but deliciously) had some of them for breakfast in bygone times. I am a hound - a scavanger! Do not give me bad press by pretending I am nice! I am not. I nail children's feet to the floor boards...remember?
tee hee smiley.
take care ( I can't believe I'm still up)

It's a zoo out there...

Post 30


It's late over there eh? Only 7:00 here smiley - tongueout

I apologize oh hound. I am but a naive smiley - blacksheep. smiley - blacksheeps brains are much smaller than smiley - dogs

smiley - blacksheep

more like seaworld meets garden centre...

Post 31

LL Waz

Sheep should be put out to pasture do you think? It would certainly make keeping up with certain threads around here much easier smiley - winkeye.

I missed a ferry once - ran down the pier and rounded the corner just in time to see them cast off. I stood on the edge, looked at the widening gap of oily water and found myself thinking it would be difficult to swim towing a suitcase. Seriously.

My beans are nowhere near flowering but they were only planted out a week ago. I'm going to train them over the arch and have hanging beans. I wanted to get courgettes too but the garden centre didn't have any. My garden doesn't support your manageability theory Boots. It was rejected for the village garden trail on the grounds that visitors would need to bring their own badzas to go round it.

Three is three too many, take care of yourself Boots,
Waz (mmm, lamb chops ...)

It's a zoo out there...

Post 32


That'll be 'bol' and 'locks'! Have to try and sleep now but thanks for the chat
night night

It's a zoo out there...

Post 33


Waz if you are one of the three it is never too many...beans are a bugger though.
night night and take care

It's a zoo out there...

Post 34

LL Waz

Goodnight Boots, I'm off myself.

It's a zoo out there...

Post 35


You buy squash plants? Interesting. I always just plant seeds.

My beans and cucumbers went in late this year. Too much rain and cool weather. But they're up and growing. smiley - smiley My tomatoes and peppers and eggplants all have fruit.

It's a zoo out there...

Post 36


Either of you two can count the smiley - blacksheep to get to sleep smiley - smiley

Hint, I only have 7538724 of them smiley - whistle

smiley - blacksheep

It's a zoo out there...

Post 37


If they count lamb chops, they could multiply that by around 40. smiley - yikes

It's a zoo out there...

Post 38


smiley - yikes

We don't dismember the smiley - blacksheep

smiley - blacksheepsmiley - run

It's a zoo out there...

Post 39


Can we at least make the smiley - blacksheep wear silly hats and yodel? smiley - whistle

It's a zoo out there...

Post 40


You can make it go 'Baah'

Hats fall off to easily

smiley - blacksheep baah

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