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Wuff Wuff !

Post 1

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*wags tail*

How come we've missed each other ? Shame you weren't around during the 2001-2 HooToo Cat War - > A601174smiley - winkeye

Wuff Wuff !

Post 2


*Jumps up paws all over and attempts to wash entire face*

How cool to meet a recogniseable species!
So sorry I missed the great battles but if you ever consider reviving the war consider me recruited.'

take care
boots (off to lurk on personal space smiley - winkeye)

Wuff Wuff !

Post 3


Cat wars? With dogs??? Joking, right?

A cat would either seriously scratch a dogs nose and sent it running with tail between legs or lazily sit up in a tree until the dog barked itself hoarse and the neighbours came out to give it a thrashing.

Don't get me wrong. I quite like dogs. But I live with cats. I'd live with dogs too if I had a garden and space for them to run.

It's kind of yin-yang. Cats are feminine, dogs are masculine (well, sort of anyhow). Dogs will love you no matter what, cats will say - 'oh yeah, what have you done for me lately?' smiley - biggrin

I like the challenge of cats. I like the blatant love of dogs. But I sadly cannot keep a dog in my flat.


Wuff Wuff !

Post 4

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

It's true - see A685938 ....... but then again it was the first armed conflict on HooToo and the Cats were badly outclassed as they said themselves -> F73287?thread=20

If it was just down to attitude and claws then you might have a point but our armoury (A604667) i chock-a-block with Drool Bombs, Chihuawitzers, and the ultimate in weaponry the Curiositizer (A772706) which gave us the edge smiley - winkeye

For the defining difference between Cats n Dogs see A774209 and A774191

smiley - fullmoon

Wuff Wuff !

Post 5


Oh, this all sounds too techical for me! smiley - biggrin

What else could there be but some finely-honed claws and a soft and snuffling nose?


Wuff Wuff !

Post 6

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Well there was always the glory that was "Poetry Corner" smiley - winkeyeF73287?thread=132007

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