This is the Message Centre for RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!!
? Posted Apr 24, 2003
ana, what's new? been away for spring break or what? it's been a cold spring snow falling in so many places in late april and repeat rains in places like death valley ... strange. you've been posting, do remember this place as well, hummm...!
RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!! Posted Apr 24, 2003
I've been in and out as I mentioned before. I noticed you appeared to be absent for awhile. Glad you're back.
It's snowing quite heavy in the mountains to the west. That's sorely needed to mitigate the drought but people complain about the difficulties driving over the passes. It's an unusually wet and stormy spring.
? Posted Apr 24, 2003
heya! good to see your words! things are changing hugely in my world so i need your good magic to come my way and see us through the very unknown!
in and out is good in many many ways. i do miss talking to you but you're right i have been away too. i've got stuff to post about current goings on but with all the changes keep getting put off...
that reminds me, know what happened to paulie at all?
? Posted Apr 25, 2003
i'd just noticed that there has been absolutely no activity from paulie and wondered where she might have wandered off to, that's all. then i thought since she had been so friendly with you that you might still be in touch and know. she seems a friendly, chatty type and it is strange - for me, at least - to have her go "poof" with no warning almost like a piece of software being turned off.
as for change, well it has to do with my professional sphere. looks like i'm gonna be a professor - at least of sorts. it's that i've been out of the classroom so long and the classroom is now full of students like you that makes it such a challange and i suppose opportunity, eh?
so send me your magic ana it will smooth things i think!
RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!! Posted Apr 25, 2003
I think I saw her name on the visitors list at RCO the last time it reemerged from cyberlimbo. It's gone south again so I can't confirm that just now.
Rita's uncle is supposed to be buying into another host that's supposed to be more reliable. So RCO's probably going to be moving pretty soon.
A professor of what? That's really cool if it's what you truly want to do. So, yeah, you got my best magic going that way if you want.
? Posted Apr 25, 2003
i hope you saved my alternate address and will contact me via that now and again. you are a good person and i pray that it will be well with you.
i'm happy to hear that rco ain't dead and gone ... maybe!
professor of architecture ...and maybe planning and maybe public policy, the latter two if i can make it happen, the former what is already on the table. it's not really something i initiated and that makes it a little hairy. i am hoping to be able to negotiate tenure and stability with the move. that's why i am in need of and asked for your good thoughts and wishes. otherwise, who knows what goes down ... something good rather than not so good i hope cause change though constant ain't easy, for sure.
hey, it seems my post at ben's launched something. you've been thoughtful - as usual. i think we've both kind of given different spins to what started as a maybe light-hearted little statement. to put it very roughly, me about the more abstract you about the disenfranchised and mariginal. what do you think?
RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!! Posted Apr 25, 2003
They're still talking around the issue I think, except for Ben. She's got grit, I'll give her that. But she ain't walking away from Ireland without some arrow flinging for sure.
Like you keep telling me, we're all in this together, or at least that's how I choose to interpret it, so if there's no micks around to make their case, I guess I try my best to at least bring the case before the bar, as long as somebody else'll cover the tab of course.
I'm amazed that you're an architect!
After all this time, I would have thought you were a theologian or something, but instead you're just an average, runofthemill renaissance man, a modern Di Vinci. That is so cool! I thought all you guys had died out by the time they started teaching ethics at Harvard Business School.
Yes, you definitely got my best going. Just remember I still ain't confirmed Bush's digestive problem yet, so I might not be as potent as we both think. Then again, I'm sure of it, so even if he can hide it well, we know, him and me, we know.
I'll let you know when we get things transferred if we ever do. I'm really hoping it'll be okay then for awhile because I really have other things to occupy my time, and he's taking me out tonight, so I'll see you later okay?
? Posted May 1, 2003
thanks ana. I've been a while responding as I was just mulling over your words. didn't quite know what to say and be able to keep you engaged, you see?
your a potent child, for sure. i know there is much you will do in this life and i am enjoying what i see. i appreciate sharing a few corners of your so busy mind.
tell me how goes the world for you rusty girl. i am waiting now as ever... though, come to think of it, my grandmother always advised me to be patient and my grandfather always thought me a gentle person...
RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!! Posted May 1, 2003
I think maybe if this is what you should be doing you'll do it, so don't worry. Did you dream about it? If you did that's probably a good indication.
I'm trying to deal with finals pretty soon plus a lot of other odds and ends, like an unfinished story or two maybe. And just getting close to someone which feels really good but it does distract from what I used to think was more important.
Sometimes I'd just prefer to cuddle not confront or confound or contemplate. Strange ain't it?
? Posted May 2, 2003
not strange, dear ana, just a bit different.
not to worry though, concentrate on this new way of being, this moment. once you are once again secure what you already are will emerge once again but in a way it never did before.
I feel great happiness for you ... may it all be as it is best for you!
RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!! Posted May 5, 2003
Thanks, and I want to know the moment you know about your new career okay?
? Posted May 8, 2003
Rusty oh rusty, wherefore art thou? In the arms of thy lover, perchance? and forgetful of the world in the thoes of thine bliss?
ah, spring, ah, love. eternal, fickle, boundless, binding...
RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!! Posted May 9, 2003
Whoah, such poetry!!
Well, yes, to the former, and no to the latter. At least I'm not entirely forgetful. The RCO site is hosed again, but before it went down you left a message complaining about your stuff not being there.
Well, don't fret. I got it, I just haven't had time to rebuild things to include it. I wanted something up quick that we could use in the meantime is all, so all the stuff you had in the PLC is safe okay?
Once the idiots get the frontpage extensions issues resolved I'll get back to work when I get time and your stuff will be there one way or another.
See, I'm not entirely forgetful or fickle am I?
? Posted Jun 25, 2003
just been to the extreme SW corner of the state of the union you reside in. got quite close to Cortez and other places of the sort. thought I'd share with you that the landscape can only be believed once seen....
RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!! Posted Jun 30, 2003
No, I'm not gone. Hanging out because Steve's not in school so he's stuck in the city with his job like an ordinary person.
Did you go to the Tribal Park?
? Posted Jul 3, 2003
Didn't get to the park but did get to have "Navajo Tacos," hah! That is some strange fry bread they serve the tourists, whoah! Met a quite old man with whom I intended to exchange only a few words but it took a very many minutes. So, other things slide.
I'm glad to see your little note. I alternate between panic and forgetfulness these few days past and am in real need of strong, good thoughts. The deep breaths help.
Ever seen the Mogollon dwellings?
RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!! Posted Jul 7, 2003
I think those are the old Pai towns maybe? Can't recall off the top of my head, which is sort of fuzzy anyways these days. What did the old man tell you?
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- 161: ? (Apr 24, 2003)
- 162: RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!! (Apr 24, 2003)
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- 165: ? (Apr 25, 2003)
- 166: RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!! (Apr 25, 2003)
- 167: ? (Apr 25, 2003)
- 168: RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!! (Apr 25, 2003)
- 169: ? (May 1, 2003)
- 170: RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!! (May 1, 2003)
- 171: ? (May 2, 2003)
- 172: RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!! (May 5, 2003)
- 173: ? (May 5, 2003)
- 174: ? (May 8, 2003)
- 175: RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!! (May 9, 2003)
- 176: ? (May 27, 2003)
- 177: ? (Jun 25, 2003)
- 178: RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!! (Jun 30, 2003)
- 179: ? (Jul 3, 2003)
- 180: RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!! (Jul 7, 2003)
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