This is the Message Centre for Polly and Pixie

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 621


Thanks for that info, Polly. What a pair the Lambs must have been. Was he any relation to the Lamb who was husband to Lady Caroline of Byron affair fame?

The book you recommend for Mrs Fol - is the Georgina B-J any relation to the Pre-Raphaelite? I love the Pre-Raphs and I assume you do too as they were romantics too.

I've had a lovely day spent on volunteer duties at Wavendon Stables - the Dankworth place where they are having their annual summer jazz festival - today it was 6 hours of outdoor jazz in the sunshine including Sir John D and Dame Cleo - they are both remarkable - he was 80 last year and she was 80 this year and yet his playing and her voice are just as I remember them when I saw them first in 1971. Incredible and such good fun. They really are a boost after a fairly hectic week, and all i had to do ewas see some cars into the car park and look after a couple of people in wheelchairs.

I'm so sorry that you feel so unwell. And you must know that neither Rik nor I would laugh at your situation. It must be very difficult and I do pray for you (I don't know about Rik, Do you have a faith, Rik?) And knowing you, Polly, you play down your aches and pains because - as my dear mum in law used to say - 'I don't want to make a fuss'.
Well, DO make a fuss if it's too much. Your friends will completely understand and I suspect they will all rally round because they love you like you love them.
I bet there's even more than one of them longing to look after Pixie for you now and then if you can't manage.

Thinking of you

Night night smiley - hug

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 622


Hi both,Polly dearest I am so sorry you are feeling so wretched,do hurry up and get better,I feel like I've lost an arm.smiley - sadface

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 623

Polly and Pixie

My dearest Folly and Rick,

Did you watch the tennis this evening? I thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn't go out to church tonight because I felt so utterly tired and aching .

Folly, Georgiana married Edward Burne-Jones in 1860. Both she, Alice (Rudyard Kipling)), Agnes (Edward Poynter) and Louisa (Stanley Baldwin) were sisters. The Macdonald sisters.

I adore everything about the Pre-Raphaelites. And I believe one has to be a romantic to understand the Pre-Raphaelites!

Burne-Jones was a rather odd looking chap! But you should at least just take a peek at the book for the photographs. They are wonderful. There is one of Kiplings little children~~a very sad one.

Rick, thank you for your dear comment. I'm still here for you~~~and hopefully will be for a long while yet. The GP will start his tests tomorrow and I pray that things might not be too bad.

Folly~~~please stop making me envious! smiley - winkeye You do so many great things. I really think it would be understanding of you if you took me and Rick on holiday with you! Surely you need us to carry bags or something?? smiley - winkeye

As for the Lambs~~I have no idea about what you asked! I honestly can't remember!! smiley - blush

Love you both.



'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 624


That's it, Poll! While Mrs F and I are climbing in the Austrian Alps, you and Rik can be our sherpas! Lugging our luggage up the Zugspitz (sp?) etc. Except that our walking week is in a centre where they cater for anything from level walks for the infirm to real ice peak mountaineering for the 'not so infirm'. Jan and I are at the more level end so we don't expect to get the crampons out this year!

Thanks for the info on Burne Jones etc, I will look the book up - possible for holiday reading.

But, truth to tell, Polly, I have a certain reticence about disclosing all I get up to, as I know you aren't able at present to enjoy all the activities you would like and it seems mean to go about trumpeting my achievements, etc.
Jan and I have such a blessed life, despite occasional family losses and traumas. We have 3 successful, healthy and happy, long term 'partnered' children who all live exciting lives, and although I have 'men's waterworks problems' they aren't incapacitating and I do try to keep relatively fit - the odd bit of cycling helps.

That's why going to church (why do we use that phrase as a euphemism for 'worshipping God'? Are we afraid to admit what we actually get up to in church?) is so important to us both. That and confessing all my shortcomings, which are many and varied. Frighteningly I find in the main, these centre around my thoughts about others - 'look at that awful looking slob of a woman' or 'he looks the sort of person who would rob his own granny' - that sort of thing. But better that than unkind actions or words, I suppose.

So, you'll gather that when I hear of people with problems - health or other, I feel as though I shouldn't let them know what a truly blessed life I lead.

Sorry, Poll - and Rik if you're around - and if so, good morning. I'm off on one of my digressions and I'm sure it will be boring to others - sorry to have wasted your time.

Rik - start of another week - hope yours isn't too strenuous. I suppose you'll be driving up and down the country. I often think of your job when I go onto motorways, etc. What vehicle should I look out for? Are you a Ferrari type or a Reliant man or, dare I suggest, a 'white van man'!!!?

Well, you two, I must get my breakfast. I had a good, unbroken night's sleep last night - unusual for me, my new prostate medication must be taking effect - so I'm full of beans. If the weather is kind - which I don't think it will be today - I think I'll get out my bike during the day. It really is lovely cycling around the country lanes around here in the summer - I keep hearing yellowhammers everywhere - they're really a sound of summer (as I typed that the most torrential shower has started, absolutely bucketing down.)

By bye all and have a good day, whatever is in store.

smiley - smileysmiley - hugsmiley - ok

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 625

Polly and Pixie

My two dear friends,

I hope you have had a happy day.

Rick, how have you felt today? And I wonder where you have been. Or still are! So you and I might become bag-carriers for Folly! Seems like a great excuse for a holiday, doesn't it! I need a break. I keep telling myself that I must start to think about 'ME' for a change and take myself off to foreign climes. But Scotland will do nicely though. I've always put others first and therefore haven't done a great deal. But I need time out. And a bit of spoiling. So I must consider a holiday somewhere. I have always been adventurous but recent 'problems' have dampened my spirits rather a lot. But, if you can get your bags packed Rick we can hitch a life with Folly. smiley - winkeye

Now, here's another book for Mrs Rick and Mrs Folly--

'The Bookseller of Kabul' by Asne Seierstad.

And one for the boys--'William Tyndale-If God Spare My Life' by Brian Moynahan. This was a very fascinating book with Sir Thomas More constantly in pursuit of William Tyndale.

Dear Rick, take care of yourself. PLEASE don't keep quietly suffering. smiley - hug

And dear Folly~~~~you lucky chap!! smiley - tongueout



'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 626

Polly and Pixie

Hi, you two gorgeous men! Thank you for making me laugh this evening on the limerick threads.

I have my home-group at 7.30 so will be going out soon. Hopefully I'll 'see' you both later tonight. Unless ofcourse, Rick, you are retiring early due to an early start tomorrow.

What inclement weather at times! I sat outside for a very short while this afternnon and had to wear something 'strappy' because it was so beautifully warm. Then, the clouds gathered again and it poured with rain. But you and I, Rick, will be fine, I'm sure, on this holiday with Folly and his family!! smiley - winkeye I'm starting to sort out my skiing gear, Folly. smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye

Just in case I miss you, Rick, do have a good night's rest, and a happy day tomorrow.

Whoops~~it's time I got my books together etc. 'Bye for now.


smiley - hugsmiley - hug


'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 627


Poll, I'm out tonight on a church dotoo - a CPD (continuing personal development) seesion for local preachers - sounds scinillating - I can't wait!! But it is a good fellowship opportunity so I must be grateful for that..

Be in touch tomoz (as my daughter insists on calling it)

smiley - biggrinsmiley - hug


'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 628

Polly and Pixie

My dear Fol,

Enjoy your evening. You are so right about having fellowship. Our home-group has grown very close to one another. Everything we talk about is very confidential within our group. It means we can share everything. The times I have cried....and felt so much love from the others. Fellowship is so very wonderful. I truly believe that that there is no other 'fellowship' that can compare.

See you tomoz then!

'Night 'Night.

Lots of love,


'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 629


Hi Polly and Folderol,my you two lead such hectic lives,me I'd just love the time to put my feet up and do absolutely nothing.

I have been up early(03-45)yesterday and today as we have to be in Bath for 7-00am,tomorrow we've (at work)all got a pow-wow with the big noise at 8-00am,where we are all expecting life changing decisions,then it's early Thursday and Friday in boring (very)old Bath again.

BTW Folderol our works vehicle is a green 7.5 ton van governed to 56mph with a crew cab that can seat 6 including the driver.

In the garden, my small veg bed is coming along nicely I've had several lettuces already along with the spinnach leaves,the runner beans(French)are at the top of their '8-0" canes with an unusual lilac coloured array of flowers.

However my broad beans are like the "thing"growing at a monsterous rate,it was then that I decided to read the seed packet (old numpty here)and saw that I was supposed to pinch out the tops of the plants when they are in full flower,ahh well better late than never,sorted.smiley - laugh

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 630


Good to hear from you, Rik - and I do hope you are getting some shut eye from time to time. When you say life changing decisions, and the decisions aren't yours personally, that normally means only one thing - I do hope I'm wrong...... if not, then you might console yourself - smiley - cheerssmiley - alesmiley - ale

I'll look out for oyur van - I presume you're normally atthe front of a queue of traffic!!smiley - biggrin

O've seen the lilac flowered beans in agrden before but not knowingly aeten them - do tell us if they taste different - hopefully they have a high yield.

Broad beans are my most fave veg in the summer - I can't get enough of them, can you send some over the ether, please?

I'm just back from the boring meeting at church - and I was right, it was!

So now a spot of pc work, a spot of pc messing about and then a beer before bed

Cheers smiley - ale and I hope your health is on the mend and wish you well for the meeting tomorrow


'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 631

Polly and Pixie

Hello again tonight, dear Rick.

Maybe you are about to become the head one at work! Or a pay rise! If neither of those two, then I need a gardener. And a sorter-out-of-televisions in readiness for the Proms. smiley - smiley

I love broad beans too so please could you pass some on to me? smiley - winkeye

Wonderful Bath again! I absolutely love the city. So many memories of a time when I spent much of my week at Bath. I did a bit of book selling for a German chap, in a tiny but fascinating shop. And went to lots of concerts. Ah happy days.

Do take care tomorrow. I shall mention you in prayer(I did this morning). Drive safely.

I guess you are off to your bed very soon so I shall wish you a goodnight.

Polly xx

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 632


Hi Polly and Folderol,well,the big pow-wow seemed like a damp squid,no real technical stuff just loads of waffle the high powered business women delivered her set mantra standing with her rather large thighs fighting to get out of her tight trousers.

As I fear Im going a bit mutton geoff(yer what?)because I sat at the back of the room, I could hardly hear what she was saying,I even found out later that she had tendered her own resignation earlier in the month.

So, I am getting my wages switched from weekly to a meagre semi fixed annual salary,which is supposed to be starting in September,still I still have a job(yawn)smiley - biggrin

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 633

Polly and Pixie

Hello dear Rick and Folly.

Rick, I'm happy for you that your job is safe (I never doubted that it wasn't). How did Bath go? I expect that you got soaked during the day. I did! In fact, I got so wet that I have put the heating on again tonight to try to dry out my clothes. And as one of my wellingtons has a split in the foot my sock was soaked(and my little toes)! My hair got very wet even though I wore my hat, but as there is no-one here to see me I have just left it looking a ruffled mess!

Just in case either of you are interested, I listened to Stanford's symphony number 3 last night (on CFM). It was beautiful. I had never heard it before. It has been put on my list of wanted CD's!

The Proms start very soon. smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco


'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 634


Afternoon all! I have been Polly'd for 24 hours! I mean that I lost internet access - some technical doo dah and I had to call out my man (at £40 for the visit) to sort it out. Which he duly did easily - which is galling. But at least he stayed on and found some cheap places to get some software I want and nearly sorted out the problem I have with my mobile phone. I should be able to switch the photos on it through something called a 'bluetooth' but it doesn't work. 'Aha!' he said, 'I know what that is, but you need some software I have at home. Next time I'm passing I'll do it for free.' So, quite a reasonable visit after all. smiley - smiley

Meanwhile, glad to hear that you're job's sort of secure, Rik, although how will you manage till Sept? I couldn't, not with a 4 week holiday in between. You paint a good picture of your female boss - very alluring, I'm sure!! smiley - erm

You'll have to get a sou' wester and galoshes, Poll, they're all the rage this summer!smiley - wah (note: they are raindrops, not tears)

I don't know Stanfiord's symphony number 3 - in fact I don't think I know Stanford, so I'll have to look out for him - or is it, dare I say, 'her'? (Why are there so few female composers?)smiley - erm

I'l only be around for the first week and the last 2 weeks of the Proms,but we always see or hear a few. In our youth, being only a half hour from London, Jan and I often queued with the promenaders. On a Saturday afternoon, there's nothing quite like the atmosphere of a Prom queue snaking around RAH. Great fun before, during and after. Never made the last night, though. smiley - sadface

I'm off to art tonight. I started a copy of a Dali painting of his wife, Gala, last week and I'm rather pleased with it so I'll continue with that I think, Unless the group decide to go outside as it's a fine evening. Go to this link to see Dali's painting - the one with the wmoan looking out the window (which is actually in his house in Cadaques near our place in Spain)

A bientot, mes cheres

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 635

Polly and Pixie

Hello, my two dear friends.
Golly--it's almost Sunday yet again. Where does each week go? I felt so unwell before the weekend and was glad to make my escape to beautiful Dorset. I spent this afternoon at Wimborne St. Giles and All Hallows. Such peace and utter beauty. It truly makes my heart sing with joy.

Tut tut, Folly! Charles Villiers Stanford!!

I rather like the Dali painting of a tree, Folly, that looks like the back of someone's head! But, in honesty, I much prefer the paintings of Burne-Jones or Constable!

I have a pc chap coming next week to sort out my new computer. I'm using my oldie one for now.

I've 'hit' the whisky tonight! I needed to block out all the miseries of Hampshire!!

I've been listening to Mendelssohn's ' Reformation' symphony. It is so stirring. Mmmmmm!


'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 636


Re Stanford - I consider my wrist well and truly slapped.smiley - wah

Re Dali - I've immersed myself in him since getting our place in Catalonia not too far from where he lived and painted. If you see the vast range of his work at the museum in Figueres near Gerona, you'll be amazed what a talented artist he was.

Burne Jones I do like, but I must admit to putting Constable a rung or two down from Turner who was, is and will forever be, the most brilliant artist in the world. I managed to see his Watercolour exhibition last year - phenomenal - he did, in his life time, over 30000 watercolour paintings, and yet they aren't half as well known as his oils - they shold be, he has an incredible lightness of touch.

As for Constable - very pretty pictures, but they can be a bit http://too perfect. I prefer his oil studies - he did several for his series of 'six footers' - the big well known paintings like The Hay Wain, or The Lock - and because they were studies and not the finished article, there is an impressionistic feel about some of them.

Goodness, I'm going on a bit. Sorry smiley - erm

Glad you're getting a man in about your pc, Polly. Hope he sorts everything out for you.

Have a good sunday - hopefully some sunshine (?)

Hi Rik - sorry, not ignoring you. Hope you're having a good weekend

I'm off to beddybyes now - night night all.smiley - biggrin

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 637

Polly and Pixie

I quite agree, Folly, with you on Turner's works. I saw an exhibition at the Tate (I think) and fell in love with his art. I also love Whistler's paintings.

Well, you two, bed time is upon us. I wonder if you are having to work tomorrow, Rick. I do hope not. Rest, sleep, decent fodder.... will work it's magic upon you, my dear Rick.

Goodnight both of you. Sweet dreams. And have a very happy day today (Sunday). The weather seems set to be fine, I think. How are the vegetables, Rick? Can I expect some broad beans in the post yet??

Lots of love...



'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 638


Good morning Polly and Folderol,I guess as it's Sunday again you are both going to be very busy,me ? well Im trying to take things easy today as yesterday I felt a bit rough,although is was all self inflicted,owing to the fact that the previous evening I had (in true Bunter fashion)wolfed a very large packet of salted peanuts.

So after several marathon sessions on t'loo I feel like my innards have been cleaned out with a very LARGE bottle brush.

So as you will both gather I certainly could'nt stop a pig up an entry at the momment.

Anyway enough waffle I hope you both have a very industrious daysmiley - sadface

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 639

Polly and Pixie

Hello my dear Bunter. Thank you so much for all the info on your bowel movements! smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye Lucky you. Peanuts would have totally the opposite effect on me due to my diverticulitis. I ate a lot of muesli during my weekend away and....Serves me right though. I do know better!

So, Folly and Rick, how has your day been? I decided to have a quiet day in readiness for tomorrow's session with the GP. smiley - erm I shall know the results from the 3 blood tests. Plus what is to be done next. smiley - cry

And I need to plan my escape to the country soon. I need a l-o-n-g rest somewhere very peaceful. All I need is a view of fields or mountains, wildlife around me, and some lovely music at the end of the day. And picnics~~whatever the weather. I do have the beautiful IOW so close at hand which would fulfill most of what I need.

I'm enjoying a glass or two of a vague white wine that came from M&S. It was very cheap but is really yummy. And I'm munching~~~~OH NO! I've just realised what a twit that I am. I have been eating fresh walnuts. The oils in them are meant to be so good for us. Oh dear. They will act like cement on me!! smiley - sadface

Who's for a cup of decent coffee? smiley - smiley


'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 640


WOW! Polly,I've got my glasses on now miss,oh crikey!smiley - kiss

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