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H2G2 code?

Post 1

Jessie, queen of the strange - Nirvana rocks my socks!

I've got Geek Code. But what is H2G2 code? I've never heard of it. Sounds cool, though, so I'd appreciate if you'd tell me.

H2G2 code?

Post 2

Go stick your head in a pig :@)

Hi Jessie!

H2G2 code is, as is logical, the h2g2 version of the smiley - geek code. It can be found, along with full descriptions, at A863516. I really should put a link in somewhere...smiley - run

Btw, check out the Peer Review for your article on Ender's Game. It's had a couple of postings now...smiley - biggrin


H2G2 code?

Post 3

Jessie, queen of the strange - Nirvana rocks my socks!

Thanks for the link. I've now got H2G2 code up on my site. I love that sort of thing.

Thanks for checking out my entry! I saw the Peer Review and I'm working on it. I just dealt with my backlog of postings . . . why do I always pick really busy conversations?

H2G2 code?

Post 4

Go stick your head in a pig :@)

OH MY GOD!!!! smiley - yikes

r-? R-? How can you think that the radio series is inferior to the books....?

Oh well, I spose everyone's entitled to their opinions. Shame though, cus I almost thought you were sane up 'til then...smiley - biggrin

However, a small tip, you may want to include a link in your geekcode to the actual descriptions ( so that other non-enlightened geeks can find it. I put mine as a link from the version number.smiley - geeksmiley - smiley

As for Peer Review, np. I thought EG was one of the best books in it's genre when I read it (it was /so/ good I couldn't put it down and read it in an intense 24 period - rare for me). As for busy conversations, looking at yours I reckon that you could do worse. Every time I log on (2/3 times a day), I've got 5/6 unread convo postings to check. Good job I'm a student, so I have time on my hands...!


H2G2 code?

Post 5

Go stick your head in a pig :@)

that should have been 'intense 24 hour period' btw.

Please excuse me, it's gone 5am here...smiley - online2longsmiley - yawn

damn, I've got lectures at 10am...smiley - yikes


H2G2 code?

Post 6

Go stick your head in a pig :@)

that should have been 'intense 24 hour period' btw.

Please excuse me, it's gone 5am here...smiley - online2longsmiley - yawn

damn, I've got lectures at 10am...smiley - yikes


H2G2 code?

Post 7

Go stick your head in a pig :@)

oops, I haven't double posted for a while...

time for bed I think...smiley - zzz

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