This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n

Bad News.

Post 81


You will get better as you relax.

smiley - hug

Websailor smiley - dragon

Bad News.

Post 82


Thank you for the news. It must be a little like the navy on exercise getting used to constantly changing daily order.

Good luck with that we believe you will cope with some strictly observed you time.smiley - cheers

Bad News.

Post 83


How are things you have not been forgotten hope things are alright.

smiley - goodluck

Bad News.

Post 84


*waves* Hope all is well.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Bad News.

Post 85


Cheers for that Bob, I have a Marie Curie nurse coming every second night, for the next few nights, to sit with Mk2, that's the only nights I can get some kip?

That new drug, OxyNorm, seems to make her sleep most of the time these days, trouble is,she sleeps all day, and stays awake most of the night, which doesn't help me look after her?smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Bad News.

Post 86


Thanks for the update mate. It sounds like you are copeing sort of. If you are a night owl keep a look out for the eyes.

smiley - cheers

Bad News.

Post 87


Thanks Smudger. Hope she gets her body clock sorted soon smiley - smiley The trouble is once topsy turvey it is hard to re-programme.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Bad News.

Post 88


Aye! Thing is, I keep getting letters from the local Carers group asking me to attend coffee mornings, and group meetings with other full time Spouse Carers, it's just that I simply can't get the time off to attend such events?

I do get a bit short tempered and frustrated at times, but then again I did have to stop attending the group sessions for my PTSD and depression so it's wonder I struggle at times?

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Bad News.

Post 89


I have never understood these Carers groups, as most of us don't have a stand in carer so we can socialise.

I am not surprised you get frustrated and angry, even without your PTSD, such care is a strain on everyone involved, we are not saints after all.

Websailorsmiley - dragon

Bad News.

Post 90


Aye! I was really looking forward to tonight as there was a Marie Curie nurse arranged to sit with Mk2 tonight, but I got a call this afternoon saying that they couldn't come after all?

Looks like another broken nights sleep, but I'm getting used to them now.smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Bad News.

Post 91


Oh, that's awful. I suppose they are short of staff as most organisations seem to be. Ssuch a shame.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Bad News.

Post 92


Motpore frustration smiley - erm

Bad News.

Post 93


We got a surprise last night, a Marie Curie nurse turned up at 22.10 last night, we weren't expecting anyone, so I got a night off.smiley - cool

Mind you, Mk2 seems to sleep all the time these days? Her new wheelchair arrived a few days ago, just as the weather changed to wind and rain, so not much chance of getting her out to sit in the back garden?

That seems par for the course with our lucksmiley - erm

smiley - cheersSmudgef.

Bad News.

Post 94


Never mind Smudger at least you got a night's sleep. I am hopeful the weather will pick up again, surely summer isn't ended in mid August!


Websailor smiley - dragon

Bad News.

Post 95


Good news and evryone HSS to live with the weather. Things seem to be looking up a little. How are you now smiley - teasmiley - cake

Bad News.

Post 96


Woke up feeling great after a good nights sleep, so I decided to wash our car, but just as I finished drying it off, the rain started again!

Looks like my run of bad luck is staying with me?smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudgef.

Bad News.

Post 97


You had the same luck with the rain as all the folk in your area smiley - cheerup it will come together smiley - cheers

Bad News.

Post 98


Well, I've just had a call to tell me that the Marie Curie nurse can't come to sit with Mk2 tonight,smiley - erm

Looks like another night of being on call againsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Bad News.

Post 99


Have a good night smiley - goodlucksmiley - cheers

Bad News.

Post 100


Well not quite, as we got a call after I posted that, saying they couldn't come?

I had to get up 3 times last night, so never got much sleep.smiley - erm

smiley - cheersSmudger.

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