Journal Entries


Y'all gotta help me.
a) i can't remember how to edit the thingy on the top of the my space page.
b) I need someone to find Crazyman and make him talk to me...please.

If he's talked to anyone on here, please don't think i'm a bitch, it's an issue of lost time over a long distance. I couldn't keep up with being so far away, then i stopped coming online and i've lost track of him. I decided to date someone at my school, since he was dating people around where he was, and well if you know my track record, i got pregnant, but this guy was a real man and not going to let me or his daughter go without a fight. So he married me. I couldn't say no, and my son loved the idea of having a daddy.I'm really in love with my husband, I don't want to cheat on him or anything, I just want to be frieds with Crazy man, we used to be so close I don't want to lose him, not over something like this.

I'm getting to a stage in my life where i feel like i'm losing everything, I don't want to lose all my friends too. He is such a big chunk of my life, a lot of consolations, a lot of hope, a lot of promises.

So even if he hates me could someone get him to say so, to say anything...please.

thank you
have some smiley - cheesecake for reading this


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Latest reply: Dec 11, 2004

Math and music, please give your opinion

I'm doing a speech in oral communication about the coerrelation between math and music. I have most of the information I need to prove my point but I need sources and opinions on both sides.
So how about it, Do any of you believe their is a direct coerrelation between music and math, the opposite? anything?

smiley - rainbow
Please someone post

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Latest reply: Oct 28, 2003

The college life for me

I love college so far, I've already got all the techies and comp. nerd wrapped tightly around my little finger smiley - winkeye Lots of fun, I got one to hook up my comp. and another to take me to the mars party next week. this is going to be a good year, I can tell.

smiley - rainbow

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Latest reply: Aug 18, 2003

Are you metrosexual?

definition to come after the subject is pondered for a while.

smiley - rainbow

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Latest reply: Aug 7, 2003

I'm leaving

sorry y'all but I won't have the internet after tomorrow... I will miss you all,but don't forget about me!!!! I will be on every chance (not that often) on friends computers. and next year I will have regular access.

SO no forgetting about me. I'll check the conv. again tomorrow morning, then whenever I can.smiley - hug for all. I smiley - love all of y'all.

Byesmiley - rainbow

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Latest reply: May 27, 2003

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