Journal Entries

the past

Why when you make a mistake, and you've paid dearly for it, people you think love you still insist on reoppening your wounds over and over. It's not like I can go in the past and change anything, and if I could I'd choose my friends more carefully and not my actions. That's what I did,the end. Good Lord. What can I do now? This is it, this is me now. If you don't like it...

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Latest reply: May 23, 2003

I can't believe I'm moving again

Once again uprooted and torn from a place I've just barely got used to. My dream is to stay in the same place, just once, for more than 4 years.

gee, what do I look like a plant?

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Latest reply: Apr 3, 2003

Why I love Crazy man...

Let me count the ways:
1. His eyes
2. His smile
3. His hugs
4. His heart
5. His words
6. His thoughts
7. His love
8. His cute laugh
9. His programs
10. His socks
11. His cute little buttsmiley - winkeye

(more to come as I brainstorm)

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Latest reply: Apr 2, 2003

which is more important Sex or love?

I've heard so many different answers and I'm curious what y'all think.
SO pleeeeeaaaaaaaaase someone respond!

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Latest reply: Mar 31, 2003

The world needs more anime

I personally smiley - love anime,but where is it all going?

The shows I love the most had to be so censored on Television, they aren't even shows anymore. The other shows, they never even had a chance.

It's time for all Utena, Tenchi Muyo, Fushigi Yugi, Sailor Moon, Cowboy beebop, and yes even the Hamtaro fans, to all unite(and etc. because I obviously don't know all the titles). If anything, we can just remind ourselves of the days we didn't have to buy it specially dubbed for non-japanese consumers and have it confused by our friends and coworkers as hen tai. smiley - rainbow

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Latest reply: Feb 19, 2003

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