This is a Journal entry by Queen Mistress Cittykat555


Post 1

Queen Mistress Cittykat555

Y'all gotta help me.
a) i can't remember how to edit the thingy on the top of the my space page.
b) I need someone to find Crazyman and make him talk to me...please.

If he's talked to anyone on here, please don't think i'm a bitch, it's an issue of lost time over a long distance. I couldn't keep up with being so far away, then i stopped coming online and i've lost track of him. I decided to date someone at my school, since he was dating people around where he was, and well if you know my track record, i got pregnant, but this guy was a real man and not going to let me or his daughter go without a fight. So he married me. I couldn't say no, and my son loved the idea of having a daddy.I'm really in love with my husband, I don't want to cheat on him or anything, I just want to be frieds with Crazy man, we used to be so close I don't want to lose him, not over something like this.

I'm getting to a stage in my life where i feel like i'm losing everything, I don't want to lose all my friends too. He is such a big chunk of my life, a lot of consolations, a lot of hope, a lot of promises.

So even if he hates me could someone get him to say so, to say anything...please.

thank you
have some smiley - cheesecake for reading this



Post 2

Crazy Man

Hi Kitty, hope you are well. Right now I don't have much to say, but I'll say what I feel I need to:

1) I don't hate you. There are times when I've been wondering why the hell you're doing what you're doing....but I never hated you or thought you were a bitch...and now I know the truth behind the now everything makes a bit more sense.

2) "I decided to date someone at my school, since he was dating people around where he was," I'm sorry, the second part of that sentence isn't true. First of all, I started dating people since you were (and I have proof...since Trillian logs all conversations on all IM mediums). Secondly, they weren't from around here. smiley - winkeye I don't want to make you feel bad...I just felt that needed correction. smiley - hug

Eventually I would like to start talking to you on a regular basis. But right now....please....just give me time.


Post 3

Queen Mistress Cittykat555

ok, I remember, i convinced you we needed to seperate and see other people. I just got a head start.

Don't forget to start talking to me again when you're ready hon.

-Kitty smiley - rainbow


Post 4

Queen Mistress Cittykat555

seven months later and still nothing


Post 5

Crazy Man

Hey. What's up?

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