This is the Message Centre for zendevil

Renal failures are preferable to Real Players

Post 2381

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Oh, my! One of the guitarists adminsters the site, I'll have to see when I hear back from him, what sort of silliness you sent! smiley - winkeye

Renal failures are preferable to Real Players

Post 2382


It's Joe, don't worry, i didn't threaten to marry him or anything...yet!smiley - evilgrin

Just found a nice pic of K though; see the geezers thread!smiley - whistle


Renal failures are preferable to Real Players

Post 2383

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hehe, Joe's very happily married to a dermatologist. In fact, I don't think there's a single Geezer who's still single, any more. I'm sure he'd be flattered, though. smiley - winkeye

You did indeed find a photo (isn't he handsome?!), although it's a few years old. That'll hold you over till I get a newer one shared.

Okay, we're off to an Indian restaurant for dinner, then it's back home for a DVD. Check back with ya later. BISOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUS!

smiley - hugs and smiley - love to all!!

Renal failures are preferable to Real Players

Post 2384


Have a samosa on me...actually, I'm going to make a curry tomorrow & forgot to buy yogurt for the raita, can you drop some in on your way home..smiley - ta...oh, and a few chapatis or naan if you like; oh hell, just have done with it & come here tomorrow with that drummer boy & we will get stuffed as it were!

Bisoooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuus also!!!


Renal failures are preferable to Real Players

Post 2385

psychocandy-moderation team leader

MMMmmmmm! I had gobi masala and we had an appetizer platter, so I had half a samosa, thanks!

Do lemme know how tomorrow's curry turns out. We'd love to be there for it, if only!

G'night for now, my dear. BISOOOOOUS!!

Senile sailors are preferable to Real Players

Post 2386


Oh, i like it, i like it! Naked cyclists against oil consumption!smiley - ok

Hope they don't get saddle sores!

The curry is getting put off for a while, i have been out shopping, bumped into Helen, back at her place looking through her great collection of 1970's clothes, which just arrived from UK; now i am off for a quick snooze before the viking invasion, maybe stick a few more bits on the patchwork and read a bit of "Five go off in a caravan", which Helen has lent me; she reckons i might get some useful tips!!!smiley - winkeye

She reckons viking in his salopettes looks like someone in Priscilla Queen of the desert, which i haven't seen but know the basic plot of. I don't think he would be too thrilled about this if he knew!!! However, she does appreciate that once said garment is removed there is a certainsmiley - droolfactor; since she is being stalked by a crosseyed froggy dwarf, she reckons i have the better bargain really!


Senile sailors are preferable to Real Players

Post 2387


Ho hum, no-one aroundsmiley - sadface

zdt*down in the dumps*

But just joined the "make poverty history" campaign & emailed dear sweet Tony.

And at last Florence Aubenas has been releasedsmiley - biggrin

Senile sailors are preferable to Real Players

Post 2388

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

got to go to doc's, having dangling wart thingy removed, damned hangers onsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

cheer up, nobody is ever alone....

Senile sailors are preferable to Real Players

Post 2389

Researcher U1025853

Hi Terri
10 hours ago I was in bed!

Senile sailors are preferable to Real Players

Post 2390


Animal, it really isn't very positive thinking to refer to your willy as a dangly warty thing; as for removing it, i think it's a bit extreme.smiley - yikes

Hi Kaz,i tried to sleep but couldn't, not having a good time pain wise right now; one of "those" days:nights; never mind, all things must pass.

Viking returned safely from his decompression exercise; he is now a lovely shade of golden bronze...*hiss* lucky wotsit can roast himself without resembling a lobstersmiley - erm He ate a hearty meal then disappeared to sort his plants out, let us hope Eric The Baby Spider Plant hasn't pined away in his absence!


Senile sailors are preferable to Real Players

Post 2391

Researcher U1025853

I know the problems with sleeping, I tend to get 4/5 hours then wake up. Its very annoying and puts a damper on the following day.

Senile sailors are preferable to Real Players

Post 2392

Researcher 556780

smiley - biggrin

*pops in*

Senile sailors are preferable to Real Players

Post 2393


Glad to hear that Vix. But is mom at home?

smiley - whistle

Just left a smiley - spider on your thread...well, that's the usual place to find them isn't it?


Senile sailors are preferable to Real Players

Post 2394

Researcher 556780


Stop with the innocent whistling...smiley - laugh

Senile sailors are preferable to Real Players

Post 2395


smiley - musicalnote"How do you solve a problem like a smiley - spider?"smiley - musicalnote

smiley - musicalnote"The hills are alive...with the sound ofsmiley - spider"smiley - musicalnote

smiley - musicalnote"There are 16, going on 17"smiley - musicalnote

smiley - musicalnote"smiley - spiders onsmiley - roses and smiley - spiders on kittens"smiley - musicalnote

smiley - angelsmiley - angelsmiley - angel

zdt*innocent until proved guilty*

Senile sailors are preferable to Real Players

Post 2396


Talking of innocence & guilt, just heard, Michael Jackson has been cleared of all charges.

I don't want to start a mass debate on this & so far have never publicly expressed my personal opinion while it's been going on, but i will say now it's over, that i always felt *gut instinct* that he was weird but innocent of abuse, certainly exploited by the media and probably a hell of a lot of others also. He didn't exactly have a normal childhood, it is hardly surprising he is not exactly a "normal" adult. More sinned against than sinning in my opinion.

very hot & humid here, building up for a storm,yoda just managed to pull the fan over, which hasn't helped the human storm clouds which are yet again buildng up here, i am getting extremely tired of all this.smiley - erm

Plus i've got backache like you wouldn't believe.


Senile sailors are preferable to Real Players

Post 2397

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hi, Terri. I agree, I've felt all along that Michael Jackson was guilty of nothing worst than eccentricity, and the naivate in thinking that in this day and age he could have an innocent, childlike relationship with the children he so sorely missed out on relating to as a child himself. I don't want to speculate too much as to how people get to be so suspicious, but overly suspicious minds usually stem from very guilty consciences. Perhaps the parents of the children in question were merely jealous that Michael's compay was preferable to theirs? Or, most likely, they just see dollar signs. Sigh.

Hottish (only 86) and humid (90%) here, too, also waiting for a thunderstorm, or series thereof, to come through. The good news is tomorrow and Wednesday should be cooler, mid-70s. smiley - smiley

No backache though. You poor little smiley - angel. Wish I were there to help massage it for you- I've been to school for massage therapy, y'know. smiley - winkeye

Senile sailors are preferable to Real Players

Post 2398


I wish you were here too, massage is wonderful! I *did* suggest to ACP that he might like to do this, but was met with "Wah, you are trying to stress me again!" stuff, even gently asking if he could help scrub my back in the bath was cause for much bleating & a total refusal "I am mending my salopettes" which i am afraid got countered with "Not with MY glue and bits of cloth you aren't sunshine!"

It's all getting very very silly. He has absolutely no defence to the charge of "why are you here?" It's certainly not to give me the occasionalsmiley - hug or even speak in a civilised manner (don't give me the language barrier crap; "shut up i'm watching Tv" is pretty universal)so all i can deduce in the absence of other evidence is you are here for the free food & drink and occasional bummed ciggie, plus whatever free gifts you can rustle up...tonights row was 'cos he foraged for plant pots in the attic, i said he could have the 4 little ones but not the big one...*cue* mega sulk; then onto "we can't go on holiday together, you are impossible, you don't want to sit on the beach all day, you need to sleep at odd times, you don't want to eat in fish restaurants etc"

All true, guilty as charged. But threatening to remove this "privelege" from me if i am not a nice good little girl is not gonna work since i don't want to do it anyway!

Anyway, we watched a very harrowing film about rape on TV, made in the 70's, french films are much more explicit than Uk or USA censorship would allow, both of us very smiley - wahsmiley - yikessmiley - erm, which probably didn't help matters, trying to discuss the *finer* points of sexual abuse in a different language isn't easy...oh god, i just wish for one day we could communicate properly; all we get across is extreme stuff. Like he was literally twitching and very upset at the rape scene; he said "if anybody hurt my woman in that way there is no question, i would just hunt them down and kill them, cut their balls off"; i countered with "But maybe that wouldn't help your woman, she would need you more than ever to support her, if you are in jail for murder, she is on her own & has lost even more of her life because of this awful thing.But i can totally understand the instinct; it's human nature"

He's gone home now, there's a storm on & his windows are open. Or that's the excuse anyway. It is ridiculous, when we are together we argue yet even as we squeak he has just phoned.....and apologised "i am disturbed and confused, i am sorry, the film didn't help, we DO need to talk, you are right, sorry, sorry, sorry...and you are beautiful in your nightgown!"

*bloody 'ell, a compliment!!!!!*

So, tomorrow we sit around a hot dictionary, we have GOT to thrash this out once and for all; for god's sake wish ussmiley - goodluck or send a bilingual marriage guidance counsellor QUICK!

This is without question the most difficult relationship i have ever had & believe me, i have had several very weird ones. Why the hell we don't just call it a day i don't know.

I am lying. Yes i do know. So does he, so do "you lot" i expect.


Senile sailors are preferable to Real Players

Post 2399

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Gosha lot of post since you asked me but
Hmm.... I answered about my smiley - dog in an email Terri.
Wonder where it went?smiley - weird

He is doing well in his retirement.
Him enjoying his last years is a priroitysmiley - love
You Can teach and old dog new tricks too! He is learning more sign language , which is excellant with his loss of hearing.

Senile sailors are preferable to Real Players

Post 2400


Awww...yes, they do well with signing; i have had a deaf dalmation, she was great; even won a prize at a dog show The judge, who was a professional international judge, commented on how responsive to commands she was for such a young dog; dally's are not the most obedient of breeds! He didn't realise she was deaf.

And i also fostered a deaf spaniel puppy; unfortunately he had other health probs too and died young, but his short life was a very happy one, chasing round after two big spotty dogs!

Plus i have had a blind cat and a 3 legged dog; the latter lived to the ripe old age of 17 and was still hitching rides on passing boats till the end, despite by that time having become deaf and very poor vision; so long as they aren't in pain it seems smiley - dog enjoy their retirement years!

Unlike us sometimes eh? I still have this wretched backache, it's becoming a permanent feature. Probably 'cos most of the time i spend sitting on a bench at the table reading, or on here; no way can i sit in a "proper" chair 'cos of the legs thing, so i suppose the back is now protesting that it needs support. I refuse to think of more ominous reasons right now.

Yet another damn good reason not to even contemplate beach holidays; it would be impossible to get up again once dumped down on a patch of sand...i suppose i could crawl slowly off into the sea & pretend i am a turtle...


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