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Oh feck!
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Started conversation Feb 20, 2006
The cooling off period for my Toucan broadband has passed and only now am I hearing that they are one of the worst ISPs there are. The unlimited broadband isn't unlimited if you use more than 2Gb in a week they'll slap you down to less than a decent dial-up speed, that if you're egtting faster than dial-up for on your 2Mb service.
BT on the face of it looked like alot of money for a limited and infleible service but at least they known to provide a service.
I know the modem hasn't arrived yet, but I just know that I've fecked-up again.
Oh feck!
Scandrea Posted Feb 20, 2006
Yech- sounds like a raw deal. But from what I'm reading from you, service may stink, but at least it's consistent.
You're human. It happens to all of us at one point or another- it's the reason why my best friend can't sell her house for 10 years. Remember to read the fine print on the loan application.
The bright side is that it's a limited contract, not a multi-year committment. It's better than 56 K. And with the 2 MB, you'll have plenty of time to look for a better company.
Oh feck!
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Posted Feb 20, 2006
It's my own fault, didn't expend enough effort looking for reviews by their service users. Like I say the broadband modem hasn't arrived yet, and there is a chance that the testaments I've seen are reflective of the service I'm going to get... But.
I know how my luck runs in these things.
The cooling off period has expired I'm now locked into a 12 month contract. There's slim chance - I guess - if they really mess me about, that they're might in breach of their side of the contract with regards to the service they say they'll give and what I get. And then I could get out if it that way. It's probably a case of waiting out the 12 months and switching to AOL or BT.
Oh feck!
Milla, h2g2 Operations Posted Feb 21, 2006
But if the modem hasn't arrived, you should at least have the cool off period start when it has arrived? Perhaps that could be argued. I don't know. There must be some way out.
Oh feck!
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Posted Feb 21, 2006
It's 7 *working days* that I had, that means I could have canceled yesterday! Christ I'm so effing dumb! So incredibly stupid!
Oh feck!
Snailrind Posted Feb 22, 2006
For what it's worth, these companies are all geared to catch people out, distract their focus, etc. This doesn't make you an idiot.
Also for what it's worth, Gothly was saying last night that these broadband services are all much of a muchness, and it's only the preliminary offers that vary.
If you decide to give up on them anyway, would you be required to pay the whole year's worth, or is it just that you won't get your money back on what you've paid so far?
Oh feck!
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Posted Feb 22, 2006
Well under the law I can cancel my direct debit at any time. But as I understand it I'm still obligated by the contract I have with Toucan to pay them £16.99 a month for a period of 12 months.
If they have broken their obligations to me then I could get out that contract but it will take some looking into to... I'm not a lawyer.
It is possible that my experience with these guys won't be as awful as seems to have been for many others, but like I say I'm not optimistic about that.
Oh feck!
Snailrind Posted Feb 22, 2006
I suppose the people most likely to be vocal about the service are those who are dissatisfied with it, since that's usually how things go. Thus there may be plenty of people who've had a perfectly acceptable experience of using it.
Oh feck!
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Posted Feb 24, 2006
Advertised as 2Mbps. Is in fact 0.72 Mbps. I've downloaded quite abit of bytes today, hope they don't narrow my bandwidth in response. Still a fair amount faster than what I used get with my 28.8Kbps modem. So I'm not going and
just yet.
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Oh feck!
- 1: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Feb 20, 2006)
- 2: Scandrea (Feb 20, 2006)
- 3: Milla, h2g2 Operations (Feb 20, 2006)
- 4: Snailrind (Feb 20, 2006)
- 5: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Feb 20, 2006)
- 6: Milla, h2g2 Operations (Feb 21, 2006)
- 7: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Feb 21, 2006)
- 8: Snailrind (Feb 21, 2006)
- 9: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Feb 21, 2006)
- 10: Snailrind (Feb 22, 2006)
- 11: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Feb 22, 2006)
- 12: Snailrind (Feb 22, 2006)
- 13: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Feb 24, 2006)
- 14: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Feb 26, 2006)
- 15: Snailrind (Feb 26, 2006)
- 16: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Feb 26, 2006)
- 17: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Feb 26, 2006)
- 18: Snailrind (Feb 26, 2006)
- 19: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Mar 2, 2006)
- 20: Snailrind (Mar 3, 2006)
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