Journal Entries
Have a giggle on me
Posted Jul 8, 2008
The Hair Dryer
A distinguished young woman on a flight from Switzerland
Asked the Priest beside her, 'Father, may I ask a favour?'
'Of course. What may I do for you?'
'Well, I bought an expensive woman's electronic hair dryer for my
mother's birthday that is unopened and well over the Customs limits,
And I'm afraid they'll confiscate it. Is there any way you could carry
It through Customs for me? Under your robes perhaps?'
'I would love to help you, dear, but I must warn you: I will not lie.'
'With your honest face, Father, no one will question you.'
When they got to Customs, she let the priest go ahead of her.
The official asked, 'Father, do you have anything to declare?'
'From the top of my head down to my waist, I have nothing to declare.'
The official thought this answer strange, so asked,
'And what do you have to declare from your waist to the floor?'
'I have a marvellous instrument designed to be used on a woman,
But which is, to date, unused.'
Roaring with laughter, the official said, 'Go ahead, Father... Next!'
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Latest reply: Jul 8, 2008
VV collapses in a heap
Posted Jun 24, 2008
*tries to open eyes*
Nope. Can't do it. I'm shattered. Please don't make me!
We are having a meeting in w*rk tomorrow and there are over 40 people attending from all over the country and Ireland. I'm having to sort out taxi's, accommodation (and not cheap accommodation either), food, agendas, stationery.
I am also trying to get stuff done for a website that is going live at the beginnig of August. I have over 450 members to receive information from and get that information typed up and onto the website.
Me needs me bed
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Latest reply: Jun 24, 2008
VV calling Lil's friends
Posted Jun 20, 2008
Hi all and sorry for the late call.
We've just had a phone call from Dad. Apparently mum was rushed into hospital at approximately 4.00pm today. It appears she may have a problem with her appendix.
Dad has only just got home and has only just called us because he didn't take his mobile phone with him to the hospital so he couldn't let anyone know what was going on.
I have just spoken to mum on the phone at the hospital. She is as high as a kite on painkillers and on a drip. She is booked in for an ultra sound tomorrow at some point, but she has already signed the papers in case she needs an operation.
I will find out more tomorrow and will let you know any further updates as and when they happen.
All my love.
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Latest reply: Jun 20, 2008
VV tries to figure out what she will do with her life
Posted Jun 9, 2008
Well. Update.
Not really an update, more of a ramble about the options ahead of me.
1. Stay with my sister and put an extension on the house.
2. Move in with mum and dad and perhaps get a bigger place.
3. Get a place with my Aunt.
4. Move abroad.
I spoke with my mum last night about one of the possibilities. I've spoken to her a lot over the last couple of months, just trying to see what my options are.
I'm not going to do anything drastic and certainly not at the moment, but I am leaning towards the option of moving abroad. I could get a sponsor in Oz but do I really want to move that far away? Not sure yet.
The other options was to move to Bahrain. I have family there, but as my mum pointed out, I would be very restricted in what I could do and where I could go, so I think thats out of the question.
I don't think, to be honest, that I could stay with my sister or even move back with mum, on a permanent basis. My Aunt seems to like her independence, so I don't even think that's an option.
You see, I don't want to be on my own. I like having company even if I don't say much. Just that person in the same room makes the room full of life even if we're just vegged out in front of the TV.
I think I need to do a lot more thinking.
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Latest reply: Jun 9, 2008
VV becomes a shadow
Posted May 23, 2008
Well. It's not what you think.
VV will very shortly be back on the road!!
I have purchased a Honda Shadow 750cc motorcycle. It's in the process of being registered with the DVLA and once that is done the people I have bought it from will be able to give me a collection date. I won't be riding it home. Brother in law is going to ride it back for me. I think it is safer this way.
The insurance is good too! Fully Comp I got it for £260.00. This is good considering that I haven't had a bike for over 3 years now so no "no claims" to carry over.
Perhaps VV is getting her way back to normality!
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Latest reply: May 23, 2008
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