Journal Entries

Yeah...I think I'd better get some done then...

Lovely Bel has reminded people that no-one is really hanging around in PR. This got me thinking...I haven't done any Guide Entries for *counts on fingers* I don't know how long!

Me thinks I'd better do something about that...not sure when thought because I've promised Bel that I'd go into PR too!

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Latest reply: Nov 28, 2011

In memorium

We came up with an idea. An idea that will hopefully will prove popular.

I am attempting to arrange a charity bike ride in the name of Marco Simoncelli. One of the commentators on EuroSport has agreed to find out what charaties Simonchelli was part of, or endorsed. Rather nice of him I thought. smiley - smiley

Anyway, the last motogp race is in Valencia a week on Sunday and he won't be able to find out if there is a memorial fund or not until then.

We've been banding about a few ideas. One of my partner's friends is a friend of Paul Denning, the one and only Suzuki team in the Moto GP, so we're seeing if we can go via him to get some names and faces on the charity bike ride.

Here's hoping!

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Latest reply: Oct 25, 2011

Rest in peace Marco Simoncelli

smiley - rose

You were an inspiration and an exiting rider. Your life was lost to a freak accident that in normal circumstances would not have happened.

From what I have seen, I am thinking that you passed away quickly and painlessly.

My throughts are with your family and friends, together with your race crew and competitor friends.

You will be very sadly missed and Moto GP will not be the same without you.

To Colin Edwards and Valentino Rossi, you could not have avoided Marco. do not blame yourself as the accident was freak and neither of you had anywhere to go. My thoughts are with you also.

smiley - rosesmiley - peacedove

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Latest reply: Oct 23, 2011

Assembly point

Well, hellooooooo!!!!

I wonder how many of my friends have found their way back?

Please tick the register so I know who hasn't transferred over. (took me long enough)


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Latest reply: Oct 18, 2011

Yo ho ho

and a bottle of rum...smiley - biggrin

Hi guys! Guess whose back on tinterweb!!!!

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Latest reply: Nov 30, 2010

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