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Oh for gods sake, enough already!
Posted Jul 23, 2013
I know my hormones are running pretty wild right now but do I really have to cry so much? The past couple of days have been pretty awful with crying for no reason whatsoever. I feel fat. I feel uncomfortable. I think the baby's head has moved down as I am having more feelings of the urge to wee. Braxton Hicks are becoming a more regular feature too. Ah well, tea is in the oven.
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Latest reply: Jul 23, 2013
30 weeks gone today
Posted Jul 8, 2013
I feel like I have been pregnant forever
Wriggles Junior (aka Little Alien, aka Little onion) is wriggling a lot inside my belly. I sit there staring at my belly moving around.
Am in a foul mood in this heat. Hope it snows tomorrow...
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Latest reply: Jul 8, 2013
Happy 59th birthday Lil!!!!
Posted Jul 8, 2013
She's going to kill me!
Just to let everyone know that on Tuesday 9th July my brilliant mum will be 59 years of age.
Love you loads mum!!!
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Latest reply: Jul 8, 2013
4 months on...
Posted Jun 10, 2013
I know. My bad. It's been four months since I last visited and spoke to my friends on here.
Today I am 26 weeks pregnant and I feel fat, bloated and bleh. Wriggles Junior has taken to battering my bladder and head butting my insides. Was round at mums today (a week off to do "nothing") and I was stood there whilst mum had her hands on my belly and Wriggles Junior decided to head but and kick mums hands.
I went to the beach yesterday for 4 hours (Don't worry I had Factor 50 sun cream, sunglasses, a hat and a brolly to hid under) and I've decided she doesn't like being in the sun as she wouldn't move or wriggle. What I "have" found out though is that if I now lay down flat on my back, I can't get up without being in absolute agony. My pregnancy pillow got delivered today so am hoping I will have a good nights sleep
I do hope every one is keeping well. I do think of you all (on occasions - when I can be bothered - usually when mum starts on about hootoo.... - Just kiddin!
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Latest reply: Jun 10, 2013
VV has some news
Posted Feb 15, 2013
Little ones.
Due around mid September if all goes well.
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Latest reply: Feb 15, 2013
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