This is the Message Centre for William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards
Fantasy Art - is it Real Art?
William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards Started conversation Nov 9, 2002
There seems to be an attitude amongst artists (and art teachers) that fantasy art is not worthy of consideration under any circumstances. This attitude also seems to prevail in relation to Manga and Anime.
Any strong views out there?
Fantasy Art - is it Real Art?
owlatronas Posted Nov 10, 2002
fanatsy art should be treated the same as any other art . imean the artist creating some of tese masterpieces have had to put time and effort as much as classical artists!!
Fantasy Art - is it Real Art?
*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* Posted Nov 10, 2002
exactly. in fact, some fantasy art is better than some of the famous artists in galleries!
Fantasy Art - is it Real Art?
Quille the cynic...TC Posted Nov 14, 2002
Of course it's 'real' art. Art is an expression of one's soul. And for anyone that thinks that that is too far out there, just look at the title of fantasy ART...right in there!
Fantasy Art - is it Real Art?
ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose Posted Dec 13, 2002
Manga and fantasy art are definantly art. Manga movies are some of the most moving I've ever seen. Who can forget the eerily aged children of Akira, or ghost in the shell with the girl child who doesn't know if she has a soul (that scene where she tries to open the tanks door so hard her arms flay and are ripped off is moving and distubing without being gory)?
Good fantasy art can have as much to say about life and dreams as any other form of art. Pop art wasn't recognised for a long time, now it's practically all GCSE artists study.
Anyone agree?
Fantasy Art - is it Real Art?
ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose Posted Dec 16, 2002
Good good.
I think that fantasy art isn't recognised because it doesn't really say much about real life, it's about fantasies. I bet if you got a wooden dummy, sawed it's head in half and stuck your fantasy art on, they'd all be gasping at the artistic statement.
I feel it does say alot about real life though, as each person lives their own fantasy in their head, and try to bend reality around it, or hope for it to come upon them.
*looks confused at her waffling*
Fantasy Art - is it Real Art?
Quille the cynic...TC Posted Dec 28, 2002
Naww, that makes ALOT of sense....people spend their times afraid of the real and living in the fantasies. Also, it's an illustration of the human mind and imagination.
Fantasy Art - is it Real Art?
ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose Posted Jan 3, 2003
right. Now we just need to get the art teachers to agree...... Any art teachers here?
Fantasy Art - is it Real Art?
*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* Posted Jan 7, 2003
at my old school, my art teachers didn't like any type of fantasy, and not manga either, i still used it though.
Fantasy Art - is it Real Art?
ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose Posted Jan 8, 2003
Look up Yoshitaka Amano - He draws some manga and fantasy (vampire hunter D) But is accepted and very popular.
Fantasy Art - is it Real Art?
ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose Posted Jan 9, 2003
He's done some of the final fantasy art and my art teacher likes his art.
Fantasy Art - is it Real Art?
ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose Posted Jan 9, 2003
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Fantasy Art - is it Real Art?
- 1: William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards (Nov 9, 2002)
- 2: owlatronas (Nov 10, 2002)
- 3: *Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* (Nov 10, 2002)
- 4: owlatronas (Nov 10, 2002)
- 5: *Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* (Nov 12, 2002)
- 6: Quille the cynic...TC (Nov 14, 2002)
- 7: ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose (Dec 13, 2002)
- 8: *Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* (Dec 13, 2002)
- 9: ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose (Dec 16, 2002)
- 10: Quille the cynic...TC (Dec 28, 2002)
- 11: ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose (Jan 3, 2003)
- 12: Quille the cynic...TC (Jan 6, 2003)
- 13: *Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* (Jan 7, 2003)
- 14: ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose (Jan 8, 2003)
- 15: *Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* (Jan 8, 2003)
- 16: ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose (Jan 9, 2003)
- 17: *Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* (Jan 9, 2003)
- 18: ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose (Jan 9, 2003)
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