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scarlet woman

Post 361

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

making a

smiley - fairy

Enjoy your steak and smiley - redwine!

scarlet woman

Post 362


undoing the

[monk? what monk?? ....oh yes]

smiley - cheers

scarlet woman

Post 363


Gordian Knot, while ...

Shall I whistle up a Stealth Bomber and seal off this portion of the Gorge? Methinks the Monk is past his Save Before Date!!

The Steak, the smiley - redwine and the welcome home were superb, your Scarletude! The SO & I have decided to learn from your recent misfortune by staying moderately drunk.

scarlet woman

Post 364



[happy sunday, everyone!]

smiley - cheerssmiley - redwine

scarlet woman

Post 365

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

pitched his tent on the arid Parthian plain, gave Bucephalus a kiss and summoned a goodly quantity of wine and the Japanese Monk.

The leather tent flap closed. (And I think we should give them their privacy now)!


smiley - fairy

I think OOV is right - it's time we put this one to bed!

scarlet woman

Post 366


Good Morning, Your Incarnadinity from Sunny Pictland.

Good Morning, CG – this is M, the better half of OOV!

May we, on behalf of the Pictish Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Monks, thank you for your timely action. The Monk thanks you, but we worry about Bucephalus.

We’re off to a favourite haunt for lunch and some ‘hands-on’ music, see you later.


scarlet woman

Post 367



A new game of CG (Cheddar Gorge not Chelsea Girlsmiley - tongueout) has just started up over on the akira space.

Are you ready for the challenge??!!?

smiley - cheers


scarlet woman

Post 368

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hello M, better half of OOV,

How nice to meet you!

Not to worry about Bucephalus - he enjoys a little kiss and now the Japanese Monk is all cosy under the flea infested army blankets and Alexander - he has no need to fear unwanted attentions!

Hope you enjoyed your melodic lunch

smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 369

Researcher 210642

Hullo C.G. I've been looking for you, took a long time to find you.

I had to enrol to seek too

scarlet woman

Post 370

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hello my little Tom,

I have replied on another conversation .....

smiley - fairy

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