This is the Message Centre for Elentari
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 21, 2005
Seems to be. I will find more out later today when they will phone me.
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 22, 2005
Some time this week do you want to watch some DVD? A I said I have Black Adder and Some ripping yarns plus Rosemary's Baby. Not sure what that is like. I have nothing plaanned for this week except going home on Friday. Plus am short of cash so don't think I can go out. Might have to be in your room though unless you want to freeze to death.
York Uni.
Elentari Posted Nov 22, 2005
This week isn't good because it's Becky's birthday so we're going out pretty much every night, but I could do next week. Nothing planned so far.
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 22, 2005
Ok. Not doing much next week unless I get the money I am owed. Highly unlikly getting money out of secondary schools is considerably harder than getting blood out of a stone.
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 22, 2005
Made a website for Hipperholme and Lightcliffe high School Sports College community. I thought it was esy money. Am waitng for a check for £750. BTW my design talents are about shown by my PS. I really should update it as it is still from what it was like before I came to York.
York Uni.
Elentari Posted Nov 22, 2005
You told me you were going to update it ages ago...
£750 is very impressive, how long did it take?
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 22, 2005
Hi. You know if it is legal to half freeze wine remove the ice (which is of course water) and then warm up the remainder. Basically creating something around 50% vol? DOn't want to break he law but am tempted to do it.
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 23, 2005
Not yet. Haven't bought the wine yet. Am going to just buy one bottle of wine. THe cheap ones from costcutters. I'll let you know if it works and if you want you can try some. I will try it first though incase it is unsafe. Not sure how high vol I will be able to get don't want anything above 50% really.
York Uni.
Elentari Posted Nov 23, 2005
I don't drink wine - I just don't like any fizzy drinks, and wine tastes fizzy to me.
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 23, 2005
Well it isn't really going to be wine by the time I have frozen it. Sirprised you thinkit is fizzy. I also doing it with cider but doubt that will appeal to you either. In theory the cider should end up something like cheap Calvados.
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 28, 2005
The cider didn't work. I went home over the weekend and realised that there was a problem. The freezer was too cold it froze too quickly and that made it produce large crystals with the alchohol trapped in. I am having a bit of a rethink and am sure I will manage eventually to work out a way. The current best idea is continously moving it from the fridge to the freezer to get it to cool down slowly.
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 28, 2005
Oh forgot about the heating. It worked after I woke up fairly cold and was quite angry at it so I gave it a good kick. Felt daft for about 10 seconds until the heating kicked into action
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 30, 2005
How are you?
I am definatly spending too long on problem questions. Mainly due to working together and us all getting distracted too easily and just talking about other stuff. By the time I had finished it was too late to go out. You done much?
Key: Complain about this post
York Uni.
- 141: Elentari (Nov 21, 2005)
- 142: sigsfried (Nov 21, 2005)
- 143: sigsfried (Nov 21, 2005)
- 144: sigsfried (Nov 22, 2005)
- 145: Elentari (Nov 22, 2005)
- 146: sigsfried (Nov 22, 2005)
- 147: Elentari (Nov 22, 2005)
- 148: sigsfried (Nov 22, 2005)
- 149: Elentari (Nov 22, 2005)
- 150: sigsfried (Nov 22, 2005)
- 151: sigsfried (Nov 22, 2005)
- 152: sigsfried (Nov 22, 2005)
- 153: Elentari (Nov 23, 2005)
- 154: sigsfried (Nov 23, 2005)
- 155: Elentari (Nov 23, 2005)
- 156: sigsfried (Nov 23, 2005)
- 157: Elentari (Nov 26, 2005)
- 158: sigsfried (Nov 28, 2005)
- 159: sigsfried (Nov 28, 2005)
- 160: sigsfried (Nov 30, 2005)
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