This is the Message Centre for Elentari
York Uni.
Elentari Posted Nov 12, 2005
About to be, just been on hootoo while having lunch. A very late lunch.
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 14, 2005
You go to Revolver? As you can guess by the time I'm writng I didn't.
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 15, 2005
You know a Louise? Only when they were trying to convience me to go to revolver they kept saying Louise from Middle B is going. I thought it was becuase they were drunk but it just started again.
Problem is I'm not sure who she is.
York Uni.
Elentari Posted Nov 15, 2005
I think she's on the other corridor. I get confused between who's who, though.
About this key thing, I have my essay to write on Thursday, and if it's going well I'll go to badminton from 3 to 5, will that be a problem?
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 15, 2005
I am not sure what train she intend to catch. I'll let you know as soon as I do. I am trying to think of a better way of doing it so you don't have to worry.
York Uni.
Elentari Posted Nov 16, 2005
Actually, I don't know if I'm going to be any use to you anyway, cus that computer class I mentioned is 1.15-2.15, then there's also blood doning in Goodricke now too, but I'm not sure what time I would go to that.
Maybe you could leave it with the porters, or someone on your corridor?
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 16, 2005
I think I have sorted it out so I don't need you. I was only using you as a back up as there was about 1 hour when nobody was going to be around. I hadn't thought about giving it to the porter.
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 16, 2005
When is the badminton? I belive there are three sessions. I had forgotten about playing badminton until last Sunday when I ended up playing against Derwent in the inter college badminton.
York Uni.
Elentari Posted Nov 16, 2005
Thank you. I played college badminton against Goodricke a few weeks ago, lost quite badly.
It's Monday night, 8 till 10 (Minor Hall), Thurday 3-5 (Major Hall), and Sunday 9-12 (Major Hall). I got to the Thursday ones when I have time!
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 16, 2005
I would go to the THursday one but relying on getting out of labs 2 1/2 hours early while not impossible is a bit daft as it will make mme rush.
Sunday is the only one that is pratical. However at the rate I'm going. That is going to happen until next term. Oh well. Life does get too hetic.
York Uni.
Elentari Posted Nov 16, 2005
You don't have to go for the whole time. No one will care if you're an hour late.
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 16, 2005
I know but my lab session is meant to finish until 5.30. Even getting out 2 hours early is only going to get me there for the last hour.
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 21, 2005
I'm quite bored as well. Nothing to do. Just waiting for my tutorials.
I'm sure you'll understand it eventually. You have a good weekend?
York Uni.
Elentari Posted Nov 21, 2005
Not too bad, saw Harry Potter!
How was your girlfriend's trip?
York Uni.
sigsfried Posted Nov 21, 2005
We didn't do much. A couple of walks that was all really. Just a lazy weekend.
Just found out my brother is in hospital after chipping his hip in a skiing lesson. His first words when he came round was "Can we still go skiing?"
Was HP good?
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York Uni.
- 121: sigsfried (Nov 12, 2005)
- 122: Elentari (Nov 12, 2005)
- 123: sigsfried (Nov 14, 2005)
- 124: Elentari (Nov 15, 2005)
- 125: sigsfried (Nov 15, 2005)
- 126: Elentari (Nov 15, 2005)
- 127: sigsfried (Nov 15, 2005)
- 128: Elentari (Nov 16, 2005)
- 129: sigsfried (Nov 16, 2005)
- 130: Elentari (Nov 16, 2005)
- 131: sigsfried (Nov 16, 2005)
- 132: sigsfried (Nov 16, 2005)
- 133: Elentari (Nov 16, 2005)
- 134: sigsfried (Nov 16, 2005)
- 135: Elentari (Nov 16, 2005)
- 136: sigsfried (Nov 16, 2005)
- 137: Elentari (Nov 21, 2005)
- 138: sigsfried (Nov 21, 2005)
- 139: Elentari (Nov 21, 2005)
- 140: sigsfried (Nov 21, 2005)
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