This is the Message Centre for jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1381


I know a few who subscribe to that theorm. smiley - laugh

I have found that this makes a great gift:

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1382

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - drool If you look on the Green & Black's site, they're giving away gift baskets later this month! Seems later this month...smiley - huh

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1383

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - sadface Entry closed Aug. 31st!

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1384


And, you have to live in the UK. smiley - sadface

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1385

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hmm I did notice U.K. in there...hmm...

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1386


Moving to the UK has been suggested, several times.

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1387

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Does our virtual haitation here qualify!smiley - smiley

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1388

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) can dream! With smiley - choc the hope never dies!smiley - winkeye

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1389

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Possibly since I initially opened it from here...y'think?

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1390


If you could change the date too, that could work.smiley - winkeye

Someone told me that British English does qualify for 'learning a new language'.

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1391

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - smileyJa!!

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1392


We were discussing a book on ways to fight pre mature aging... '20/20 Thinking'. Among other things, the book suggests new hobbies and learning a new language to keep the mind agile.

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1393

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Right I've heard that!

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1394


Would you be interested in recipes?

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1395

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Sure I suppose so, great!smiley - smiley

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1396


My niece and a friend have each been asking for recipes as they are just beginning to cook beyond the basics. I've been collecting stuff from websites and cookbooks to send them via email. It's no trouble to add your address to the emails, when I send them.

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1397

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Thanks hun, sounds great!smiley - smiley

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1398


I really should start a cooking club or something.

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1399

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hmm good idea I've got recipes! That's half the battle, right?smiley - smiley

Hello Jaz'd

Post 1400


I definitely have recipes. I was looking for a use for them other than wallpaper. smiley - winkeye

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