This is the Message Centre for jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)
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loonycat - run out of fizz Posted Nov 8, 2008
Ooh yes, you must report back on the
How does one get an invite?
Went past a Hotel Chocolat shop the other day but didn't have time to go in and sample
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jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Nov 8, 2008
This tasting is being held by so it was mentioned in their last newsletter(which I've subscribed to).
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jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Nov 13, 2008
Oh and since I just happened to be in the shop the next day,I purchased a ticket(much like paying for
& cheese at a
tasting I suppose).
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jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Nov 23, 2008
The tasting was a great experience, although it wasn't all 80% and higher
. There was some very nice Cluizel (hmm, not '/en' but preceded by 'uk')from France. And a Very intensely cocoa
75% Corallo from Italy-cocoa beans from Sao Tome & Principe. As well as-among others-a nice Pralus also from France(if I remember correctly, beans from Madagascar). Oh & Kerstin even brought out a bottle of Port later in the evening(for the dozen of us to share as we nibbled selected
...Must get some decent Port!
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loonycat - run out of fizz Posted Dec 2, 2008
Sounds all very sophisticated and !
You like Port too? I haven't haven't had any in ages but it is the perfect drink for Christmas time
Watching a TV programme where they're making pudding recipes
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