This is the Message Centre for MAND & BAZ
Welcome you two and congrats...
Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels Started conversation Sep 2, 2002
First Don't Panic! and this is a site to help.
I saw your post on your problem. I am Shoal Prexy, ACE and all around nice guy. That happened to a friend of mine and she emailed the main site. I have not gotten in touch to see if it went well or not so I would tell you to try to ask
he/she has been here awhile and would know what to do. I hope you can figure it out if not get in touch with me and I will find someone who may help. And if you have any other questions let me know. Here is another link that you might need.
Shoal Prexy
Welcome you two and congrats...
MAND & BAZ Posted Sep 2, 2002
hiya thanx can u help in my own name ive forgotten log in name got every other detail is there ne way i can find it out?
Welcome you two and congrats...
Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels Posted Sep 2, 2002
I am checking into it, will be with you ASAP.
Welcome you two and congrats...
plato <surfer> Posted Sep 2, 2002
Hello there! I'm Plato, another ACE I understand your problem, and Prexy will be with you shortly with the answer... But, hey since you are relatively new, you may want to just make a new account... It may be easier... but I'm not sure myself about getting that loginname... anyways, Welcome again!
A few h2g2 based sites you may want to check out:
The pirate ship "Blood of the Zaphodistas": A579684
Douglas Adam's personal space: u42
The h2g2 keepers association: A441596
*waves at Prexy*
Welcome you two and congrats...
Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels Posted Sep 3, 2002
You should email [email protected] with as many details as you can remember, such as User number and email address, (preferably using the same email address as the one you registered with), they should help you with your details!
Shoal Prexy
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Welcome you two and congrats...
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