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Figures there is a catch!
Posted Mar 3, 2003
- The Bush administration is considering a plan that would prohibit AIDS funding to foreign nongovernment organizations (NGOs) that do not separate their HIV/AIDS programs from family planning services that include abortion counseling or procedures, according to a leaked State Department memorandum.
"It is ludicrous to expect that organizations in Africa can or should establish separate HIV/AIDS programs in order to receive US funds," Dr. Paul Zeitz said. "These restrictions will hamper the rapid expansion of global AIDS programs," he added."The restrictions represent a Washington-imposed mandate that's unrealistic and costly in the African context."
by Reuters Health and paraphrased here.
I knew there was gonna be a catch to the Aids money deal! They WILL not give money to an organiztion that also contributes to womens birth control and abortions!Therefore they are asking for seperate facilities and personal,biuldings ect.$$$ spent on nothing really, to setup seperate *Aids clinics*!
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Latest reply: Mar 3, 2003
1943 Looney Toones
Posted Mar 3, 2003
There are Looney Toones from 1943 avaiable as Public Domain. They sell them on (29) disc of course. There are 5 avaiable for download at [Real One]
1943 Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny toons
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Latest reply: Mar 3, 2003
Stress Kills
Posted Mar 3, 2003
“The psychological state of fear affects us biologically,” says Los Angeles psychiatrist Carole Lieberman. “People who are anxious drink and eat more. They have more accidents. They’re more likely to get colds or suffer heart attacks.” In short, as University of Michigan neuroscientist Stephen Maren puts it, a brain system designed to keep us from getting eaten is now “eating away at us.”
Quotes are from article:
Fear is the mother of all emotions—a response so fundamental to survival that we share it with rodents, fishes and fruit flies. Yet fear and anxiety can shackle us, diminish our lives, even kill us.
Survival depends on the ability of an organism to respond to threat or reward, and predict the circumstances under which they are likely to occur. Of course there is always unpredictable stress,which is the best reason to keep preditable ones to a minimum if at all possible.
From time to time, I like to review what stress does. It can remind me I am NOT loosing my mind. I am temporarily overly stressed. It will/can get better.
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Latest reply: Mar 3, 2003
Posted Mar 2, 2003
Worldwide prayer urged
on 03-03-03
Christians asked to petition God about Iraq war at 3:33 p.m.
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Latest reply: Mar 2, 2003
Jeb B. & lightning
Posted Feb 28, 2003
Gov. Jeb Bush's plane was struck by lightning that zapped a hole in a wing during a flight Thursday from Tallahassee to Orlando, a spokeswoman said.
All are ok.
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Latest reply: Feb 28, 2003
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