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fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 121

Loup Dargent

smiley - oksmiley - bubbly That's another title to be added to the list...smiley - disco

smiley - yikes That's also a project that needs some long overdue updating...smiley - blush

At least it will be easier for me to find the relevant links than when we started it...smiley - biggrin

But where to start?!...smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - silly

Hmmmm... I will hopefully be able to look into it next week... Would be nice to have something done from all the contributions we've got...smiley - disco

Talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 122


Hi LOUP>>>>>>
talk soon lmao maybe you started something u cannot finish...
does any1 have 1to1 on ere or is it a monthly/yearly thing heeheehee
bye 4 now>>>>>>>>>

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 123

Loup Dargent

smiley - somersault

I should probably add "Kolchak: The Night Stalker"... After all I did write something about it somewhere [ A2836686 That Kolchak Episode... ]...smiley - winkeye

I would have finished it [well, kind of...] if I hadn't had that idea of adding links etc instead of just making a list...smiley - wahsmiley - wah So, yep, I might probably never finish it smiley - yikes but it would be a good idea to update it though... I shall try and try and try again until I manage to, at least, do that...smiley - disco We never know, it might happen some day...smiley - whistle

Talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

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