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fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 21

Loup Dargent

smiley - boing i don't know that one unfortunately... but yes tv series do cover animations...

smiley - star some of them are very well made too... the voice of batman in the animated series is great... very realistic...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 22

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Well some animations are serialized on
So I think they should be included.
Plus their pretty good too.
smiley - rainbow

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 23

Loup Dargent

smiley - boing err... is there an echo?!... hehesmiley - run

smiley - star paladin: yep i agree with what i/you/we said...

smiley - disco the X-MEN - animated series was not bad either...

smiley - star and of course some MANGA which are also like mini-series... can't remember the titles tho'... [well they're not really my favourites so it's ok... but i don't mind watching some...]

loupsmiley - fullmoon

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 24


cool X-men well as we are on to cartoons what about
mysterious citys of gold
he-man and the masters of the universe
and of course thundercats
but i may have allready put that downsmiley - erm

andysmiley - bat

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 25

Loup Dargent

smiley - star yep... you said thundercats already but we will blame that on the echo again... hehe...

smiley - star well that's 2 more titles on the list...

smiley - star we might have to do two sections if an entry is made out of this conversation... ["eventually" is the key word for this one...]

smiley - star have you seen sabrina the cartoon?!... i had a video of it but unfortunately sold it... i think the tv series was inspired from the cartoon... [actually it WAS inspired from the cartoon...]

loupsmiley - fullmoon

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 26


i have seen a couple of episodes of this

andysmiley - bat

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 27

Loup Dargent

smiley - star owlatron: i thought you might have... hehe... unfortunately compared to the quality of more modern animations sabrina the cartoon is more appreciated as a curiosity than anything else...

smiley - star talk later...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 28


talk later loup

andysmiley - bat

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 29

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Ok,if your going to have He-Man then in the interests of us females on here and to keep the entry balanced I'm voteing for She-ra,he-mans sister lol.
smiley - rainbow

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 30


what about she-hulksmiley - cool eh

andysmiley - bat

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 31

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

I didn't know there was one.
Whats the name of that x-man with the long claws? I've been trying to remember it.
smiley - rainbow

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 32


right u asked so here goessmiley - biggrin

smiley - discoangel
smiley - discobuffy
smiley - discocorrie
smiley - discoeastenders
smiley - discofarscape
smiley - discolone gunmen
smiley - discoquantum leap
smiley - discostargate
smiley - discosliders
smiley - discosimpsons
smiley - discovoyager
smiley - discowitches 3
smiley - discox.files

i dont think ive missed any but ive listed them in alpha order not preference

romanismiley - angel

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 33

Loup Dargent

smiley - discoand spider-woman of course... hehe...smiley - disco
[i'm not making it up there has been one animation with spider-woman...]

oh talking about super-heroes...
i forgot smiley - disco the flash [twas kind of a series....] and of course smiley - disco the hulk..

loupsmiley - fullmoon

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 34


i think youre x-man could be wolverine

andysmiley - bat

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 35

Loup Dargent

romani: when you say witches 3.... do you mean charmed?!...

[i don't want to put points to the wrong series innit....]

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 36



smiley - starloup

yep thats wot i meant charmed 3smiley - biggrin

ive bin sat here rackin my brains tryin 2 remember wot its calledsmiley - doh

so in the end i knew if i put witches 3 ud know wot it was u bein brainy n allsmiley - biggrin

romanismiley - angel

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 37

Loup Dargent

romani: ok... had to make sure... hehe... that the one were the demons working for the source wear black... coincidence or what?!... but that's another story/conversation...

loupsmiley - fullmoon
ps: two other series i forgot:

smiley - disco V
smiley - disco earth: final conflict

ps: ps: are soaps tv series?!...
if yes: smiley - disco chateauvallon... hehe...

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 38

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Wolverine was definately the best x-man and Storm the best X-woman.Thanx for that lol

V was a good series.I haven't seen it for a long time though.

smiley - rainbow

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 39



men wearing black workin 4 demons did u saysmiley - biggrin

actually i never made that connection....although i should avesmiley - boing

oh n u can put me down for

smiley - discofinal conflict
smiley - discov

also i 4 got bout them & im sure there will b moresmiley - biggrin

romanismiley - angel

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 40


V excellent series
quantam leap
fantasy island

andysmiley - bat

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