This is the Message Centre for h2g2 Friends Of LeisureDistrict [LD] (Digibox And PC Users)

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 101

ghia return of >>

i'm really into smallville... new series soon yay!

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 102

Loup Dargent

smallville... yep... the early years of superman... before he became officially superman... if i'm not confusing with something else...smiley - biggrin

we also see lex luthor when he was younger... yep?!...

a good TV series...smiley - cheers

i will add the title and your name at my next trip to the cybercaf... will try to update the entry as much as possible as well... it's kind of overdue...smiley - yikes
last comment goes to the last persons who also contributed to these threads... this entry will _eventually_ get updated... smiley - sorry for the delays...

everyone: any more titles?!... go for it... smiley - ok?!...

smiley - ta... talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 103

ghia return of >>

what about wire in the blood, that was good also sex in the city i love i,t

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 104

h2g2 Friends Of LeisureDistrict [LD] (Digibox And PC Users)

sex in the city... err... yep...smiley - droolsmiley - biggrin

haven't heard of wire in the blood tho'... do tell please...smiley - grovelsmiley - smiley

smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 105

ghia return of >>

it had robson greene in it and hermionie norris (cold feet) he was someone who put a killers profile together by pretending to get inside thier head!

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 106

Loup Dargent

ok...smiley - smiley

oh hold on... i've seen the first series me thinks...smiley - cool quite a while ago...smiley - wow

smiley - cheers

loupsmiley - fullmoon

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 107

a visitor to planet earth

The Bill has been quite good lately, when it hasn't been cancelled to show football.

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 108

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

There's only 2 TV programmes I'll drag myself away from PC for:

Sharpe..(smiley - loveRichard Sharpe/Sean Beansmiley - love)

Waking the Dead.

smiley - rose

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 109


buffy, friends, er & sex & the city they're all gud!!!

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 110

Loup Dargent

buffy is, from what i remember of previous nominations, definitely one of the favourites for this page...smiley - cool

friends and sex in the city have been mentioned quite a few times as well.. so quite a few like-minded people on here when it comes to TV series...smiley - wow

once i've managed to update this project, i will add your name into the researchers credits so this page will appear on your space as well..smiley - magic

if you think of other titles go for it... the more mentioned [by different people] the TV series are the higher score they'll get...smiley - cool

smiley - cheers discodiva...

talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 111


ally mcbeal was gud pity it got axed smiley - sadface

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 112

Loup Dargent

hi discodiva...smiley - smiley

yep... i did watch this one as well...smiley - biggrin

i didn't realised it has been axed... probably due to one of these ratings wars between TV companies over there unfortunately...

that what [allegedly] happened with dark skies..smiley - wah

talk soon..smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 113

Reality Manipulator

I wonder if anyone can remember the short series on ITV called the Crime Traveller, it was very good when it was on?

I remember watching a tv programme called Tommorrows People.

There where two programmes on the similar time Invasion Earth on BBC and the other one, I forgot the name about a virus going around the British Isles.

Oh another one that was on Channel 5 was about about a virus that killed all the adult population off and only children and teenagers were left.


fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 114

Loup Dargent

kat... yep... i remember crime traveller... with the man being from eastender if i remember well..smiley - cool
interesting concept as well...smiley - wow

tomorrow's people... yep.. rings a bell..

invasion earth.. haven't seen it but noticed some videos in the local shops..smiley - smiley

the one about the virus.. kinda remember but can't find the title either...smiley - cry

talk soon...smiley - surfer

oh and as we're in a kind of virtual reality with the bars on here, what about VR5?!...smiley - biggrin

loupsmiley - fullmoon

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 115

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheers Loup smiley - biggrin

I hope you are keeping well.smiley - biggrin


fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 116


i fink the series wiv the virus was called 'the tribe'

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 117

Reality Manipulator

smiley - tasmiley - cheers Thanks Discodiva for the information.smiley - biggrin


fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 118

Loup Dargent

the tribe of course...smiley - cool

and it's still shown on TV [or was not long ago]...smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers discodiva and kat...smiley - smiley

talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 119

Reality Manipulator

smiley - ta Thanks Loup Three tv programmes I think which were on BBC1 or 2 were Randolf Hopkirk disceased, the Champions and the Man in the Suitcase. They had a run I think a few years ago and it would be nice if they were repeated. I know that a remake of Randolf and Hopkirk disceased was made but they stop making any new episodes.smiley - smiley


fellow LDers' favourite tv series?!...

Post 120


Please come on its got to be TENKO

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