Journal Entries

The importance of tact

Well; I waited until I calmed down before I replied, the rest of it is excuses, this line is the essense. smiley - zen

"Obviously I erred in applying myself to ensuring that systems availability was met, and informing support teams of tools required to avoid repeat occurances, in future I shall ensure the paper work is in order first." smiley - tongueout

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Latest reply: Mar 29, 2003

I must not thump my boss

smiley - steamI have long known that my boss is a paper-shuffling, bottom washer, and I feel personally insulted that he was chosen for the position in preference to myself, but today he has excelled himself.

Firstly, on the day that we discover there will not be a pay review, he decides to boost morale by informing some staff that because they have not yet used their holiday carry-over from last year he will be removing it.smiley - grr

Then, he choses to publically criticise me for failing to include an item in the morning report. No 'well done' for the 2 hours I spent resolving the probem, just him "strongly advising" me that I should be more careful not to omit items.

smiley - spaceHere is the text of his e-mail "Repeat incident - VI - Vantive 2719227 raised again by Steve 0517 this morning - not on the activity log , not on the morning report, obviously you did not take too much notice of the earlier email. I strongly advise you to ensure it does not happen again." smiley - cross Do you perceive that as a threat ? I do.

This from a man who abrogates his responsibility every time it means he will have to dis-agree with a more senior member of staff.

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Latest reply: Mar 28, 2003


People : Godiva - Leofric - Jerry Dammers - Philip Larkin -

Language : Sent to Coventry - Coventration - Coventry Blue -

Images : 3 spires - Civil War - Sky Blues -

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Latest reply: Sep 28, 2002


Find out what the status of intellectual rights and copyright becomes on submissions. EG poetry, short story, report.

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Latest reply: Sep 16, 2002

Lost Poetry Office

Find copy of On the road- and send.....

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Latest reply: Aug 20, 2002

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McKay The Disorganised

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