Journal Entries
Posted Nov 11, 2007
We've had some new doors installed at works.
Firstly they installed a metal door into the machine room, OK, I thought, that'll stop people putting dents in it with the trolley.
Now they've installed a big glass tube. You wave your fob at it, type in your code, and the door opens. You get into the tube and it checks your weight, (only one person at a time) then the door closes behind you. Only then does the other side of the tube swing open so you can go in. (If you watch Spooks on BBC1 it's like their doors, except I don't think ours do X-rays.)
I have to go past a security officer and through two of these to get to my desk.
Should I feel safe or threatened ?
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Latest reply: Nov 11, 2007
Suckered again !
Posted Oct 5, 2007
Number 2 has been so jealous of our new kitten that Mrs D. decided we should get her one for her birthday. A lady was found with a kitten to spare and we went to fetch it.
Arriving at the address my wife and number 3 went to get this kitten with the reminder ringing in their ears, "make sure it's a boy." Some five minutes later they return with two kittens, both grey.
"Which do you like ?" she asks. I examine both balls of fur, and choose the one which is making less noise. "Are they both boys ?" I ask. "Oh yes." I'm told. "OK, that one then."
"That's what I thought." says Mrs D. and climbs in the car.
"Just a minute," says I, "You've got to take the other one back."
"Oh no," replies the lady, "that's for Number 2."
I point at the kitten I just picked, "I thought that was for her."
My wife turns and looks at me, "What do you mean ? You said YOU wanted that one."
Once I'd have argued - this time I just started the car.
I was keen to avoid the mistakes with the last kitten, number 6 was told she could name the kitten, any name she liked. WE now have a maniac boy kitten called Gertie.
So a naming poll was initiated, this came down to a shortlist of three.
1). Gandalf
2). Mokuba
3). Indie.
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Latest reply: Oct 5, 2007
Changes in the home
Posted Aug 10, 2007
Number 3 has been out in Belarus for the last 10 days looking after children from the Chernobyl area while they're at a holiday camp. Obviously we've been worried, but its not the sort of thing you talk kids out of doing. As she's the fussiest eater in the family we've all dying to hear what she managed to find to eat. Potato pancakes and cabbage won't keep you going for long.
They have disco's for the kids every night all of whom have special needs due to environment they're raised in. Its been very tiring for her, but we're all looking forward to getting her home tomorrow night.
To welcome her I've been persuaded to get a new kitten. Our cat Ollie is about 15 years old now, and whilst he's still mobile and very affectionate, he's obviously becoming a old gentleman now - the dog gets away with things that would have seen his predecessor making a trip to the vet, for stiches. Said kitten was picked up day, and Number 6 has decided to call him Gertie. I have no idea why, and dread to even consider the gender issues he'll experience growing up.
Number 4 has passed her driving test and been accepted at Roehampton University, and will be moving out September 16th to take up residence in the big sinful city.
Mrs D and I are looking at moving house to a less crowded area, it has to be within commuting distance of the second city because of my work, though I'm seeking a role within the company which would allow me to be home-based. Such roles unfortunately are a bit of an oxymoron as they all seem to involve working all over the country.
Number 2 has graduated and has started on a GTP course at a local secondary school.
All things considered life could be worse.
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Latest reply: Aug 10, 2007
Posted Dec 7, 2006
I've not been around h2g2 as much lately, and its about to decline still further.
When the family all got together for the funeral of the clan matriarch earlier this year, we were bemoaning the fact we only got together for sad events like funerals and weddings. It was proposed that we throw a secret 80th birthday party for Arthur, my father-in-law, and plans were put in place for the 2nd of December.
Well the party was last week and it all went very well really, however it was slightly overshadowed by other events.
A couple of months ago Arthur lost his voice, no sore throat, just lost his voice, and of course we all joked about it. However it didn't come back, then he started getting tired, and breathless, then there was this lump on his neck.....
On the Thursday before the party Arthur was diagnosed with lung cancer, and next week he starts radio-therapy. Prognosis is about management of symptoms to allow quality of life. I'm going to be up at their house, running Mother-in-law about for a bit, and whilst I'll have my lap-top, internet access will be limited.
Its always such happy things I put into my journals.
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Latest reply: Dec 7, 2006
RIP Sam Dog 18/05/2006
Posted May 18, 2006
This entry is for me and my daughter, so don't feel oblidged to reply.
Wednesday, whilst shopping at Tesco's number 2 rang me, Sam Dog had hurt himself, could I come over ?
When I got there she explained that the Rottweiller her neighbour owns had run at the fence, and Sam Dog had 'flipped over' trying to get away, and now he couldn't move his back legs.
Well, we emptied the car and took him to the vet. She examined him, and said he didn't seem to have broken anything, and he obviously had some feeling in his legs still, because he was trying to push himself up. The decision was made that we'd try a pain killing injection, and give him 24 hours.
Sam Dog lives with number 2 and her fiancee, he was originally a birthday present for her 11th birthday. I took them all home and came to work.
This evening she said he had just lay on the floor all day, though his tail wagged and he staggered to his feet when I came in. It was obvious he still could move properly though, and he fell to the ground.
We took him back to the vets, and saw a different woman. She said that she thought he had probably popped a disk out in his spine, and it was causing a partial loss of feeling to his rear end. She then talked about treatment options.
Sam Dog belonged to No 2 and it was her decision. She bravely decided that she couldn't bear to see him suffer anymore, and so the vet prepared the injection.
The four of us were all there while it was done. Mrs D., Number 2, her fiancee, and me.
He was a daft, smelly, Labrador cross who used to eat every disgusting thing he came across. He wormed his way into our hearts with his kind and gentle nature, his tolerance of our strange rules, and his obvious love for us. He adored the water, and I suspect I'll think of him every time I walk past the duck pond where he used to swim backwards and forwards picking up anything we threw for him.
So I've updated my PS to remove the dog from the pets list, and I'm sitting here typing this with tears running down my face.
Good night Sam Dog.
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Latest reply: May 18, 2006
McKay The Disorganised
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