This is the Message Centre for Hapi - Hippo #5


Post 41

Dusanka...I'll be back(once)

Haning in book shops relax mesmiley - zen.I forget everething there.

I read two Pratchet's books about Discworld(with wizard Rinsvind)and i like it.I think that was first two books.I am not sure.


Post 42

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - rofl Wizzard Rincewind smiley - biggrin right.. I think I have all books .. there are .. what .. something like 25 or more .. I have a lot of them electronic (well.. that is to say I would have them if that wasn't illegal) The bookshop downstairs had "Monstruous Regiment" (I think #28 or so).. the first books in the series are best (well.. that's my opinion).
..I just notice I miss one book.. "Going Postal" ... I'll get that one as well smiley - biggrin


Post 43

Dusanka...I'll be back(once)

I have "The light fantastic" and i borrow "Color of magic" from my best friend.She also have "Small Gods"(with story about turtle and eagle).When i finish with learning and if i pass tests i shall by few Pratchett's book to read and enjoy.smiley - smiley

(I am not sure does headlines are ok)


Post 44

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - roflsmiley - ok Those are very good! but be sure to read "Soul Music" and "Interesting Times" as well! and don't forget the witches: Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg (Equal Rites, Witches Abroad, Lords and Ladies.. and more.. ) the Ankh Morpork watch (Angua!) and Death and his granddaughter Susan (Other children got given xylophones. Susan just had to ask her grandfather to take his vest off.) smiley - biggrin

If you send a message to my e-mail (on the page) I can send you E-versions of (I think) most of the books.


Post 45

Dusanka...I'll be back(once)

I want to read all Pratchett's books.smiley - smileyI like that kind of books which make you laugh.("Death and his granddaughter" smiley - laughgeniuse idea,very funny)
I shall sent you e-mail.smiley - smiley


Post 46

Hapi - Hippo #5

Susan is his granddaughter.. well.. Death adopted a daughter and then after some time he got himself an apprentice. Death's apprentice would typically have free board and lodging, use of the company horse, and he won't need time off for family funerals.
So the unavoidable happened and he ended up with a granddaughter. Read "Mort" for the full story.. Read also about Granny Weatherwax!


Post 47

Dusanka...I'll be back(once)

I get your e-mail.Thanky you very,very muchsmiley - smiley.I shall read it,but first i must learn sociologysmiley - wah and i hate sociology.It is so boring...I have test at 15th November.


Post 48

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl Right! So this is possibly the worst thing I could do..smiley - biggrin overload you with 25 books to read while there's an interesting thing like sociology to be studied!
Sorry about that..

(* sociology .. smiley - erm what the smiley - bleep .. smiley - erm I mean to say "What an interesting topic" smiley - evilgrin *)


Post 49

Dusanka...I'll be back(once)

smiley - bleep sociology,i shall start with learning next week.

Very very interesting i am simple crazy about it...All those theory and such beautiful deffinition of everything,it simple make mesmiley - zzz


Post 50

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin sociology.. really ... smiley - erm I always suspected it would be interesting; I never cared to find out if that was true smiley - biggrin

I'll do some travelling next few days.. I'll probably not be around that much .. and .. no: no holidays; w*rk, w*rk, w*rk... smiley - erm
ah well.. it does bring in smiley - 2centssmiley - 2centssmiley - 2centssmiley - 2centssmiley - 2cents


Post 51

Dusanka...I'll be back(once)

MMM travell...smiley - smileyTravelling is good and smiley - 2centsis useful.I want to say travelling for work=good+useful.It is some kind of math thinking or math languagesmiley - smiley.

I want to go somewhere,and maybe i shall go to Kikinda.Student Union of my faculty working on action against violent and about tolerance and in Kikinda they will make presentation of action.There is lot of volunteers and and we have one buss(one of most important think that everething is free,no money at all).I hope they will choose me for going,they will need photographer(i hope so).smiley - smiley


Post 52

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin travel in itself is .. boring.. terribly boring.. wait for trains, busses, planes, passport control, luggage, busses, planes, ... well ... what more can you wait for.. travel itself is boring. The trip as a whole is good fun smiley - biggrin


Post 53

Dusanka...I'll be back(once)

Hi!!!I was learning last few days and took part in some action on faculty and i was very busy.

I do not travel very much and when ever i go somewhere i am very hapysmiley - magic,and waiting is no big problem.Once i travel from Novi Sad to Shid 9 hours.Shid is small town on state boarder with Croatia,around 100 km far from Novi Sad.I was go there with my best friend,who is from Shid and take me there to show to me that nice little town.Travel to Shid became adventure...smiley - smileyWe traveled by train.In first time wesmiley - biggrin when we wait 3 hours for train.Than we weresmiley - steam(in some town i don't remember which one)and at the end(around 4h A.M.)we were completlysmiley - weird.Next time we were go by bus and that time we traveled "only" 6 hours.


Post 54

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - rofl the trip sounds reasonable smiley - biggrin I don't travel that much really.. I just travel up and down between w*rk and home.. each trip is about 11 hours; a return trip average every three weeks.

I did make trips (w-asia ... now not a nice place to go) that were 400 km by car, roughly 8 to 12 hours by car (highway!) and one flat tyre per day.

summarising every trip was ... waiting, waiting and after that wait some more smiley - biggrin
wait for the driver to say his prayers
wait for the tyres to be repaired
wait for the policeman to check papers
wait in the car
wait besides the car

good fun all in all smiley - biggrin stories, dreams, and a nightmare or two smiley - biggrin


Post 55

Dusanka...I'll be back(once)

Nice fuuny nightmaresmiley - smiley.We allways smiley - laugh when we remember it.
It is funnier when you remember it and when you talking to someone,than you are in middle of it,sitting on some station and thinking:O God it's not happend to me.This must be dream...Yea,very horribly dream, everything be all right...I just must wake...How i can wake myselfe?
smiley - smiley


Post 56

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - rofl real life nightmares smiley - biggrin I set a new personal record: I managed to fall asleep in the plane yesterday before it took off, I woke up for the meal (Aeroflot! they still serve meals and quite reasonable! I personally think they are by far the best airline flying on Moscow, and one of the cheapest as well) and then I woke up again after landing.

The bad news was I was in the wrong queue for passport control. The brainless officer took 5 to 10 minutes for each of the eight people waiting. Russian passport control officers are selected on (1) hate of anything foreign (2) no knowledge of any language (probably including Russian? reading anything at all is out of the question) (3) inefficiency (4) stupidity.
A pity really.. she had a very nice face smiley - biggrin


Post 57

Dusanka...I'll be back(once)

smiley - laughMaybe they cultivate specially sort of people for working that kind of business,and of course for working in bureaucracy.They train them to be angree and learn them to hate every form of lifesmiley - smiley

Here he have very angree officers,too.Specialy officers in bureaucracy.

Bureaucracy is compicate by itself but people who work on it behaviour like they want to make it more complicate,or they just enjoy to ruin your,already bad day.It is look like this(more or less):

Infinute waiting in line for few milions necassary paper and when finnaly comes your turn She(in most of case it is she)makes brake to drink jogurt.Never brake here brake and do not ask anything and never,never interrupt her when she paint nails.When she finish all of that,then phone ring and she must to speak on phone next 15 minute(minimum)and then when she finnaly pay attention on you she start to shouting on you:"Why you come here when you don't have all paper",and then you say:"but your colleague did not tell to me for that paper..."
Now she start to mention colleague and say very insolent word about colleagues familly and etc.That story can go...smiley - smiley and can make yuosmiley - wah

No really they are so unpleasnt and angree and inefficiency and very often stupidity.
Do you wathc cartoons "Asterix and 12 tasks"?


Post 58

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - rofl Asterix and the 12 tasks! where Asterix and Obelix go through Roman bureaucracy, nearly lose the fight but win in the end beating the system by improving it! Brilliant! I enjoyed every second!
The bad news in this is that it is not limited to a country or a continent. I travelled with a group of Russians to London about half a year ago. For me, waving an EU-country passport there were two officers, neither was interested in my passport, and they cheerfully waved be on my way, after 2.1 seconds. My nine Russian friends had to join the queue of about 200 "other nationalities". There were some twenty officers servicing that queue, average time per passport was about five minutes.
They asked me if this was a revenge for Sheremetyevo. It is not. It is bureaucracy smiley - biggrin


Post 59

Dusanka...I'll be back(once)

It means there is no hopesmiley - wah.Bureaucracy is like weed, growing everywhere and you can fight against it, but you can't win itsmiley - smiley.We believe in: there is no problem with bureaucracy in west and everything function very simple.


Post 60

Dusanka...I'll be back(once)

P.S.When i wrote west i mean on the country of EU,US and that economicaly strong country.

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