This is the Message Centre for Hapi - Hippo #5
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onigashimas Started conversation Nov 18, 2007
hello hapi yes was lurking about ,seeing who was out there . nice to speak to you . just had a couple of hours training at our dojo. back home now just surfin. cold day today just started raining here in the northwest,im an optical glazing technician .posh word for industrial window cleaner keeps me busy .here are a few wise words in the begining was the word and the word was with god,and the word was god....all things came into being through the word and without it not one thing was made. what came into being was life, the life which was the light of humankind . opening line of the gospel of st john the new testiment.
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Hapi - Hippo #5 Posted Nov 18, 2007
and welcome to my place in hootoo. I assume that you're from UK, most people around here are however I am from the Netherlands
just across the water so to speak. There's quite a few from Scandinavia, and further east here as well.
As for your quote from the book books are there to exchange thoughts. the moment a (any) book is taken as "gospel truth" things go wrong.
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Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Nov 19, 2007
i can't help noticing that the title of this thread is 'no subject'
not a single word
ps: sorry for butting in, will butt out again asap
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