Journal Entries
Winter poetry
Posted Jan 27, 2003
****Winter's Lament****
Though the wind blows cold outside my door,
It's warm beside the fire.
The kettle whistles cheerfully -
I have all that I require.
Yet my soul is ever longing
For a day so long ago,
When jonquils danced beneath the sun,
And he and I joined in the fun -
All part of springtime's show.
We walked along a country lane
And planned the years ahead.
All around the earth was blooming -
Winter's gloom had fled.
We were filled with hope and promise;
We had dragons yet to slay.
We knew that someday there would be
A spring our eyes would fail to see -
Yet it seemed so far away.
Now our country lane has vanished,
But just to mortal eyes.
Confused by time we fail to see
What is real and what's disguised.
Like a ghost ship ever sailing
With no respit from the sea,
The patterns that our lives have traced,
Are always there - can't be erased.
What was will ever be.
So in winter I remember
The sweet warm days now gone,
'Till the tulips bloom and nature smiles
To hear the robin's song.
Then the mist of time is lifted;
Life sparkles like a gem.
For now my love comes back to me
To await the time impatiently,
When I will go to him.
****Pintails in Flight****
They come on the wings of the wind,
Soaring in elegant, swift flight
Over the ponds and salt marshes
Searching for a familiar, safe retreat
Among the tall grass or the pussy willows.
They pause to bask in the winter sun,
Dressing their plumes beside an open strand,
Enjoying the comfort of well-known shores.
And we rejoice, for they bring with them the announcement of a new spring - another beginning.
Soon the dark days of winter will live only in our memories.
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Latest reply: Jan 27, 2003
Progress Report
Posted Nov 25, 2002
It looks like Frank is on the mend. Things aren't happening as quickly as we had hoped, but they are happening.
The surgery was Thursday afternoon. He was pretty much on schedule until Friday afternoon when his temperature started to climb. So, they started him on antibiotics. Then when they tried to turn off the ventillator, he had too much CO2 in his blood,so they decided to leave it until Saturday.
Saturday was a nightmare. His temperature climbed to 104.7. Then his blood pressure shot up really high and his heart beat became erratic. They decided to give him the blood pressure medication he takes at home....four different drugs....but instead of spacing them out they gave it to him all at once. Within an hour his BP had dropped to 55/35.
They put the head of his bed down so he was nearly standing on his head, packed him in ice, and turned a fan on him to bring down his temperature. Then they attached a pacemaker to regulate his heart beat.
Within another 4 hours his readings were all normalizing and he has continued to improve ever since. They took out the ventillator yesterday and have disconnected all of his drips. He still has two drains in his chest theat they are going to try to get out this afternoon. And they're finally going to get him out of bed today for a little while.
His temperature is still too high, but is staying at around 100, which isn't dangerous. He's cranky, so that's a good sign. The bad news is that it doesn't look like I'll be able to have him home for Thanksgiving. So, his turkey dinner will be late this year. Six years ago, when he had his bypass surgery, he was in the hospital over Easter. I guess he's trying to hit the holidays.
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Latest reply: Nov 25, 2002
Soul Mates
Posted Nov 12, 2002
Often relationships seem to be made in hell. Most are made on earth. And occassionally, when we're very blessed, they're made in heaven.
My husband and I will celebrate our thirtieth wedding anniversary in three weeks. From the moment we met, we knew that we belonged to each other. Through the years, during good times and bad, the strength and depth of our relationship has remained constant.
Now I am facing the inevitable challenge. He is gravely ill and unless modern medicine can produce a miracle, I'll lose him soon. We both believe in reincarnation and the certainty that we will share time together again. Here's my poor attempt at expressing this belief. Soul Mates
We first met in the beginning,
Before the universe began;
When there were no stars or planets,
And no creature known as man.
There was no good, no evil,
No down below, no up above;
Time and space were nonexistent,
There was nothing then but love.
Since then we've traveled widely,
We've been nobles, serfs and slaves;
Glorious saints, half-crazed sinners,
Trembling cowards, heroes brave.
We've been black and red and yellow,
Male and female, rich and poor;
All that was or is or will be -
Not one whit less or more.
We've watched the sunrise in Atlantis,
Loved in Egypt, fought in Rome;
We've sailed the seas of history,
Always together, not alone.
Through happiness and sorrow,
On one thing we can depend;
We were together in the beginning,
We'll be together in the end.
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Latest reply: Nov 12, 2002
Happy Halloween!
Posted Oct 30, 2002
Haunted houses,
Witches brooms;
Bubbling caldrons,
Creeping gloom.
Black cats on fences,
Screeching bats;
Bug-eyed monsters,
Gnawing rats.
Werewolves howl;
Headless horsemen,
Vampires prowl.
Ghouls and demons,
Banshee cries;
Hell-bound coaches,
Burning eyes.
Open graves,
Mouldy bones;
Clanking chains,
Withered crones.
Sounds unheard,
Sights unseen;
A world imagined,
....Trick or Treat....
There was a very ugly man
Standing at my door.
His skin was green, his head was flat,
His shoes size twenty-four.
He was at least seven feet tall.
His teeth were made of wood.
An owl was on his shoulder,
He really scared me good.
I was just about to slam the door
When he shook a Halloween sack,
So I filled it up with candy -
With luck he won't be back!
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Latest reply: Oct 30, 2002
Happy Halloween!
Posted Oct 30, 2002
Haunted houses,
Witches brooms;
Bubbling caldrons,
Creeping gloom.
Black cats on fences,
Screeching bats;
Bug-eyed monsters,
Gnawing rats.
Werewolves howl;
Headless horsemen,
Vampires prowl.
Ghouls and demons,
Banshee cries;
Hell-bound coaches,
Burning eyes.
Open graves,
Mouldy bones;
Clanking chains,
Withered crones.
Sounds unheard,
Sights unseen;
A world imagined,
....Trick or Treat....
There was a very ugly man
Standing at my door.
His skin was green, his head was flat,
His shoes size twenty-four.
He was at least seven feet tall.
His teeth were made of wood.
An owl was on his shoulder,
He really scared me good.
I was just about to slam the door
When hwe shook a Halloween sack,
So I filled it up with candy -
With luck he won't be back!
Discuss this Journal entry [1]
Latest reply: Oct 30, 2002
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