This is a Journal entry by Hypatia

Soul Mates

Post 1


Often relationships seem to be made in hell. Most are made on earth. And occassionally, when we're very blessed, they're made in heaven.

My husband and I will celebrate our thirtieth wedding anniversary in three weeks. From the moment we met, we knew that we belonged to each other. Through the years, during good times and bad, the strength and depth of our relationship has remained constant.

Now I am facing the inevitable challenge. He is gravely ill and unless modern medicine can produce a miracle, I'll lose him soon. We both believe in reincarnation and the certainty that we will share time together again. Here's my poor attempt at expressing this belief.

smiley - zen Soul Mates smiley - zen

We first met in the beginning,
Before the universe began;
When there were no stars or planets,
And no creature known as man.
There was no good, no evil,
No down below, no up above;
Time and space were nonexistent,
There was nothing then but love.

Since then we've traveled widely,
We've been nobles, serfs and slaves;
Glorious saints, half-crazed sinners,
Trembling cowards, heroes brave.
We've been black and red and yellow,
Male and female, rich and poor;
All that was or is or will be -
Not one whit less or more.

We've watched the sunrise in Atlantis,
Loved in Egypt, fought in Rome;
We've sailed the seas of history,
Always together, not alone.
Through happiness and sorrow,
On one thing we can depend;
We were together in the beginning,
We'll be together in the end.


Soul Mates

Post 2


Forgive me for creeping about on your page, but I am very sorry for you and your husband, H. smiley - cuddle

Soul Mates

Post 3


Thanks FG. We're supposed to hear today or tomorrow whether or not they're going to reschedule his surgery or just let nature take its course. I'm trying not to turn into a basket case in the meantime. smiley - smiley

Soul Mates

Post 4


If you do, try to think of it as a basket of cheese, fruit, and good wine! smiley - winkeye

Seriously though, I wish the two of you all the best. My family went through a very similar situation a long time ago with my father so I know a little bit of what you are going through. smiley - rose

Soul Mates

Post 5

Titania (gone for lunch)

You really got me worried using H+smiley - weird as calling card, Hypatia!smiley - hug

Take care, both of you!smiley - cuddle

Soul Mates

Post 6


Hsmiley - zen

Is that better? smiley - smileysmiley - hug

I'm ok. Just nervous and worried and scared.

Soul Mates

Post 7

Also ran 1

Dear Hypatia,smiley - hug
I have just read your lovely poetry. Then went to your home page and read the sad news of November.
I am wondering if the poem was written for him?
I do honestly believe that when one has had a wonderful relationship one is so incredibly lucky to have found a soulpmate that one can only go on thinking of the happiness one has shared. It does not make losing them any different. But it at least gives one the joy of being able to have exquisitly happy and sublime memories.
My thoughts are with you and I wish you God speed.
Very sincerely,
AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Soul Mates

Post 8


AR1, thanks you for your kind wishes. smiley - hug Yes, the poem was written for my husband Frank. He is better, but he won't ever fully recover. But the crisis has passed. We'll just have to be careful and not let him overdo things. Then I should be able to keep him around for a few more years. smiley - smiley

And thanks for reading the poems. I hope that Soul Mates will be in the Post one of these days.

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