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Watching another DVD series

Post 41

Baron Grim

Sorry, enough David Lynch(ing) and thread jacking... smiley - offtopic

Low-brow... merit-less...

Kevin Smith films fit that description and I've liked pretty much all of them.

Watching another DVD series

Post 42


I'm not sure who he is. Did he make anything famous? *heads for google*

Watching another DVD series

Post 43

Baron Grim

Heh... he's definitely google-able. smiley - laugh

Watching another DVD series

Post 44


I found him in IMDb. I don't think I've seen any of his films. But then, I don't get out much. smiley - laugh They appear to be live action-type things. I never watch those unless I'm tied to my chair. smiley - silly

Watching another DVD series

Post 45

Baron Grim

He's mostly known for his prurient and foul mouthed "Jersey Trilogy" films: Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

Watching another DVD series

Post 46


I think I've heard of Dogma but don't remember actually seeing it. Which one is the best? I'll try to take a peek.

Watching another DVD series

Post 47

Baron Grim

Umm... Best?... Probably Chasing Amy as it's the most coherent story. Dogma is pretty good as well. Hey, it can't be all bad, the Catholic League boycotted it.

But Kevin Smith may not be your smiley - tea. I'm not kidding at all about prurient and foul mouthed. He mostly appeals to comic book / sci fi / film fan boys from Gen X.

His first film was Clerks, made on the lowest of budgets (mostly financed with credit cards). It's very "talky" and the acting is quite bad (the actors are his friends). It's full of pop-culture references and smiley - bleep jokes. He does "witty banter" fairly well and knows a lot about comic book stories so he gets hired a lot to work on Super Hero films to flesh out the dialogue and back stories.

I just don't think you'll find him as amusing as I do.

Watching another DVD series

Post 48


That sounds like a possibility. I don't mind the odd swear word or nudity or violence when it is important the story. But I do weary of it being there just for shock/ratings value. The same thing goes for books.

Watching another DVD series

Post 49

Gnomon - time to move on

Ladyhawke was the first film that sprang to my mind when you started talking about lowbrow films that you enjoyed.

I particularly liked the fact that it was half moon one day and full moon the next, rather than 7 days later. If you're going to make something as scientific as an eclipse a key feature of the plot, be sure to get the details wrong! smiley - biggrin

Watching another DVD series

Post 50


For some reason I haven't purchased a copy of Ladyhawke. I'm not sure how that happened. I need to stop buying DVDs. I have enough for several households. But I keep telling myself that I need to get ones I like now before I retire and my income drops. I'll be set for life at the rate I'm going. smiley - laugh

Watching another DVD series

Post 51

Baron Grim

I got Netflix mainly to prevent myself from being crushed under the weight of my DVD collection (sitting on top of my VHS collection with the obligatory duplicates that I promised I wouldn't buy, triplicates in some cases with BluRay Discs added later [see Blade Runner]).

Watching another DVD series

Post 52


I take all of my DVDs and CDs out of the jewel cases and put them into those portfolio things. It makes storage a whole lot easier.

Watching another DVD series

Post 53


And when I wind up with ones I don't like much I donate them to the library. So I don't have a lot of things I'll never watch again.

Watching another DVD series

Post 54

Trout Montague

"...being totally historically accurate is danged near impossible in a film."

Perhaps being totally historically accurate is impossible in any medium beyond the original enactment.

Once again ...

Watching another DVD series

Post 55

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Hey, that looks good, Trout. Thanks! smiley - biggrin

Watching another DVD series

Post 56

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - smiley

Watching another DVD series

Post 57


I'm through season 3. Henry has hooked up with Catherine Howard and is totally besotted. He is also becoming more unstable. Season 4 should be fun.

Watching another DVD series

Post 58


Coincidentally a piece on another mythological dynasty from the current BBC Front Page:

Watching another DVD series

Post 59


I've read about that production, Pin. All the publicity does is make people want to see it. I don't have enough interest in the Kennedy's to fork out money to buy a copy of it, though.

The point is valid. Fiction is fiction. But the difference here is the time frame. There are still people alive to take personal offense at a skewering of the facts with the Kennedy's. This particular film is political whether that was the intention or not. And sadly, there are people who seem to believe anything they see hear or read. They don't get the fact vs fiction distinction.

The Tudors have become the stuff of legend. You can't trust in any legend to be true.

I haven't started series 4 yet. Last night PBS had a new Poirot. Much more important. "Real" fiction.

Watching another DVD series

Post 60


I wonder what people will be saying about the Kennedys in 400 years. Do you suppose anyone will even be interested?

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