This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Soooooooooo Blond

Post 61


*note to self - throw away Cool Whip bowls*

Soooooooooo Blond

Post 62


A hillbilly's hound dog runs free. His wallet's on the end of a chain.

Soooooooooo Blond

Post 63

Lady Chattingly

That could apply to truckers as well. smiley - smiley

Our trucker friend takes his dog with him wherever he goes. The smiley - dog's name is Gizmo. You guessed it--named after the "Gremlin".

Soooooooooo Blond

Post 64


My favorite red-neck joke:
If your daddy's cell number doesn't have anything to do with a telephone....You just might be a red-neck

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