This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

How I'm Doing

Post 41


>>It was such a relief that I could be pathetic and weak and exhausted.<<

Frenchbean, I found that out as well a couple of years ago.

It is the curse of coping women that we want to be both independant, reliable, a haven for others (kids, husband, other family, friends, collegues and perfect strangers) and weakness and 'help' are not in our vocabulary smiley - erm.

But I try to turn it around: If I am proud, satified and find it a privilege when I can help others and don't think lesser of them, wouldn't they be the same if I ask them for help?

Okay, okay it is still mostly theoretical smiley - laugh but it is a beginning, not?

How I'm Doing

Post 42


You're right tartaronne. It's easy to theorise, but very hard to put it into practice.

I try to put myself in other people's shoes and then see how proud I am smiley - silly So many people are the same, but I do think it's a curse at times.

It takes people a long time to be allowed behind my pride, to see the real Frenchbean and I think they get quite a shock smiley - laugh

How I'm Doing

Post 43


This sounds like the sort of thing I talk to my counsellor about each week. Gently, over many months, she has been edging me towards accepting the idea that I don't have to be perfect: that the smiley - earth will not end if I don't answer every request for help or succeed perfectly in every task, and that sometimes it's OK to admit to being tired and just relax. It's helping... a bit. When I get in from singing practice late tonight, I *may* just manage to watch a bit of TV instead of trying to write something. We'll see... smiley - bigeyes

How I'm Doing

Post 44


smiley - goodluck Ormondroy smiley - smiley

How I'm Doing

Post 45


*rushes in with a missing d*

How I'm Doing

Post 46


I've been lurking in this thread since it's started and not had the tiem to compose a proper reply to you. My heart goes out to you, and I am thinking about you a lot. If I was a praying sort I would be praying about you as well.

I feel a bit lost that I can't offer you anyting apart from a small picture of a smiley - hug.

Here you are!

smiley - cuddle

How I'm Doing

Post 47


Hi Z. Thanks for the smiley - hug. *Hopes the hug is from Z and not Fluff*

Just knowing I have such good friends helps a lot. The anniversary of his death is sneaking up on me. It is on a Sunday, so I can stay home and brood and feel sorry for myself if I want to. I'm glad it doesn't fall on a work day.

How I'm Doing

Post 48


Definately a smiley - cuddle from me and not Fluff (though Fluff, being captive breed hasn't really got the hang of squeezing food first)

I'm glad I can make a different albeit a small one. And you do have friends, deeply valued genuine friends.

smiley - hug

How I'm Doing

Post 49


I still giggle every time I think about a snake named Fluff. smiley - biggrin

How I'm Doing

Post 50


I still have a quiet day on the anniversary of P's death. It's an opportunity to reflect and to be alone and to be joyful and sad all at once. I don't answer the phone that day smiley - winkeye

How I'm Doing

Post 51


All of the 'firsts' are officially past now. the anniversary of his death was Sunday and his funeral was a year ago yesterday. So, we'll see if getting the firsts out of the way really does help.

I'm having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit this year. I keep telling myself that next year will be better. I'm sure it will be.

How I'm Doing

Post 52


smiley - hug

How I'm Doing

Post 53

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

smiley - cuddle

How I'm Doing

Post 54


smiley - cuddle

Our thoughts and best wishes are with you.

How I'm Doing

Post 55


Don't eat too much fudge. Hope the Christmas spirit does come to you smiley - goodlucksmiley - hug

Nollick Ghennal

Pimms smiley - smiley

How I'm Doing

Post 56


smiley - cuddle

How I'm Doing

Post 57


Thanks everyone. I'm doing fine. I can't honestly say I'm jolly, but I'm not miserable either. I had a nice visit yesterday with my brother in spite of him being a horse's patoot. And have tomorrow and the great nephews to look forward to.

smiley - hollysmiley - cracker

How I'm Doing

Post 58

Lady Chattingly

And the Father Fudge. smiley - choc

smiley - smooch

How I'm Doing

Post 59


Who needs jolly? I'm never jolly at Christmas smiley - erm

Good for you Hyp smiley - hug

How I'm Doing

Post 60


smiley - hug

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