Journal Entries
Adios, amigos
Posted Oct 9, 2006
Well well. So here it is. I never thought I'd see the day, but I guess everything must come to an end.
So here it is. The end. I'm leaving hootoo for good.
I haven't posted for ages anyway so I doubt anyone cares, but I thought I should let you know anyway.
Don't really care to explain why. It just seems like a natural end by now.
If anyone really cares, I have a LiveJournal account -
So, signing off for the last time;
Fish's Freak
Take care everyone.
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Latest reply: Oct 9, 2006
Just a short note from FF
Posted Mar 23, 2006
Hey guys and gals.
I'll be away for the next few days.
Just so you know.
Have fun without me.
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Latest reply: Mar 23, 2006
What do they know?
Posted Jan 31, 2006
Some of you may know that I've not been feeling my best over the last few days. As a result of which, I was comfort eating. I know, I know, but sometimes you need to. Anyway, I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday;
Me: Yeah, so on Friday I ate chocolate, then Saturday it was biscuits, and yesterday was flapjack. I'm working my way down gradually.
Him: You really shouldn't, you know, you'll end up like you were before.
(note - before I was even fatter than I am now)
Me: That wasn't because I was eating bad food, and anyway I won't because I'm not going to keep doing it.
Him: Yeah, but you know... you'll get all fat again...
Now, I wasn't in a very good mood, so at this point I utter a string of expletives and push him away from me.
What the heck does he know!
Just to clarify, this is a guy who won't eat rice cakes because they're 'too low in fat', and has previously said on many occasions that his life ambition is to 'become fat'. And he wasn't kidding.
It's just annoying when a hypocrite tells you that you'll get fat. And I reckon he's mainly saying it because of this thing that guys have about female body image. Girls aren't allowed to get fat, because fat = ugly. A lot of men think this, despite the evidence. After all, emaciated girls look worse than plump ones, and they aren't as nice to cuddle.
Anyway, I thought about it overnight, and he has a point, of course. So today I will start a diet of sorts - just a common-sense thing. And make time to go to the gym more often. And not drink alcohol. Because he's right, and I am still trying to lose weight.
I still have fat thighs.
For those who know what this means, I have a BMI of 27. I want it to be 23 or 22.
I'll let you know how it goes.
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Latest reply: Jan 31, 2006
A rather surprising announcement...
Posted Jan 26, 2006
I have just gone through one of the scariest and most exhilarating of human emotions. I have fallen in love.
But it's more complicated than that. You see, the man I'm in love with lives hundreds of miles away. I hardly ever get to see him. I miss him terribly.
He's one of the most wonderful people I've ever met - kind, funny, intelligent, tidy... And the surprising thing is, he understands me completely - in fact, he understands me better than I understand myself. I love him. There's no-one in the world I would rather spend time with. Not even Bill Murray.
But that's not all. You see, most people reading this journal will know the man in question.
Guess who?
Give up?
In fact, this mystery man is GodBen (U518809). Yep, who'da thunk it. Well, Cal, obviously, but other than that...
And so this makes Ben the biggest hypocrite in hootoo history.
The full story is in Ben's journal, but suffice to say I love him entirely and no matter what risks or trials are involved, he is completely worth it. Losing him doesn't bear thinking about. I'm counting down the days until I see him again.
I love you Ben.
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Latest reply: Jan 26, 2006
I just realised...
Posted Jan 26, 2006
...that I hadn't posted for about three days, and the last time I did that someone thought I was ill and someone else came looking for me because they thought I'd gone missing. So just so you know, I'm fine, I'm here, and if not entirely normal, then at least returned to some kind of prior circumstance. I've just been busy over the past few days. However, I now unfortunately have no excuse to doss and must get back to work. Which means I'll be reading a paragraph and then spending halk an hour on hootoo, as per usual.
*wonders if she can get away with procrastinating for an hour until her lecture starts... nah, better not.* *sigh* Ay me. Sad hours seem long.
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Latest reply: Jan 26, 2006
Fish's Freak
Researcher U199203
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