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Mobile phones

I hate 'em. smiley - sadface

Well, I don't hate them as such, they're probably quite useful if you're lost or being mugged or something.

But there are many things about mobile phones that annoy me.

F'r instance;

1. People being able to contact you when you want to be left alone.
2. The way the battery always runs out just when you need to make an important phonecall.
3. The elitism attached to new/tiny phones. Mine is the size of a house brick, and I'm proud of it. smiley - smiley
4. The way they cost so damn much.
5. The way people turn their phone off when you're trying to ring them and you *know* they know you're trying to call because it rang the last three times.
6. The way that my hands free gets all tangled up and so it takes me ages to answer and I miss loads of calls.
7. The way that people laugh at my ringtones. smiley - sadface
8. The way that people text me in the middle of the night and wake me up.
9. The fact that I've forgotten how to put tracks onto the music player that's built into my phone and am now stuck with Gareth Gates and The Offspring.
10. The way that my phone falls out of my pocket when I'm driving and almost causes me to have an accident.

That's all for now, folks. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jan 4, 2006

Only 364 days to go...

...'till next Christmas. My, I can hardly wait. smiley - sadface

So did everyone have a good Christmas? Manage not to burn the turkey? Rescue that last bottle of wine from Uncle Pete before he got completlely paralytic? Escape the smiley - mistletoe? Jolly Good. smiley - smiley

So what about the pressies? This year mine ranged from useless, through bizarre, to mildly offensive. Nah, I did get some good stuff too, but there's only so much soap a girl can use in one year. smiley - erm On the plus side, I now smell like mangoes. smiley - wow Well, at least they remembered about not eating smiley - choc (too much, that is... smiley - erm). I also got an ironing board, which means I can no longer get away with looking scruffy all the time. Ah, such is life.

And why would my friend give me a teddy bear in a crib? smiley - erm I'm slightly scared to ask her actually.

Anyway, I was right about what my best present was. smiley - biggrin So big thanks to the dude who sent it to me. smiley - smileysmiley - hugsmiley - smooch

And is it too much to ask that my boyfriend would send me a 'happy christmas' text? smiley - cross Tch, men.

Well, hope everyone else had a great Christmas, and can find something to occupy themselves with between now and new year. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Dec 26, 2005

Cinderella dreams...

...of going to the ball in a pretty dress. And so do I. I found one today that made me look, dare I say it, beautiful (although not modest). Even though I know that it's only the dress that looks good, not me. But I wanna look pretty at the Christmas Ball...

However, this magical dress cost £160.

I don't actually own a dress, because I hate them, so it might be a good investment, unless I never wear it again. But if I lose more weight, it will have been a waste. Having said that, I could alter it, I suppose (like on The Simpsons)... And I don't know why I care anyway, cos I used to be a left-wing feminist and seem to have lost my integrity at some point in the last year. And I hate formal occasions.

smiley - groan I'm such a girl sometimes.

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Latest reply: Nov 17, 2005

Messing up again... not too bad, though

I don't know if people are aware of my relationship with food, but suffice to say it's not healthy. I was getting better at it though. But now I seem to be worse again. smiley - erm

Anyway, the point of this is, I ate some apple pie today, which had mould on it, and I didn't realise. So I guess I probably ate some manky mouldy stuff. And now I feel ill.

Now, I also have problems with neuroses and paranoia. Hence I am now afraid that I'm gonna be ill. To put it mildy. And we're talking debilitating illness here.

I'm probably being stupid.


Well, I guess the problem is, I'm now feeling like I can't take care of myself properly. Which is annoying, as there's no-one else around to look after me.


I better do some work, I suppose.

I know I'm being silly. Just ignore me.

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Latest reply: Nov 16, 2005

Sticky situations

Two mistakes I made today;

1. Thinking that honey on oatcakes would be a good lunch

2. Eating them whilst sitting at my computer.

Now I have honey on my jeans, hands, mouse and windowsill. And I feel like Winnie-the-Pooh.


I think I've dislocated my brain.

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Latest reply: Nov 14, 2005

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