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Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Started conversation Nov 17, 2003
Hi there Kat Hope you're well...
I did say I'd fly by,'s the
What a wonderfully uplifting space you have.... Although,
, most people would probably thank goodness that there's only one of me.
Lovely sentiments though, thank you Kat...
...on Z
's space you mentioned Otterburn in Northumberland. I've heard of it. Where the wonderful otter is concerned, it probably is there now, even if it had been absent before. The fabulous news is that otters are re-colonising their previous haunts over much of the country! Yay!
Developments, just like the A road you mentioned, with traffic chaos, is a major threat, not just to wildlife, but, as you say, to our own quality of life too! It gets me so when I hear of new developments in special areas. A couple of years ago, myself and some conservation friends had to re-locate hundreds of frogs, toads and newts in order to save them from a housing development. By law, they're supposed to do an Environmental Impact Assessment before carrying out any developments, but
there's always loopholes in favour of commercial developers, unfortunately. "Money talks", as they say!
It's been really nice talking to you, and I was so rude last night, I'm just a complete junky for wildlife programmes, and so couldn't miss my fix....
Hope you keep well and I'll look forward to our next chat Kat
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 17, 2003
Hi Prideth I am feeling well, thanks, I hope you are too.
Thank you for very kind compliments about my space.
I miss the countryside alot as I live in a very built up area of Essex. What I love is to walk in woods and reflect nearby some water which has a very calming effect.
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Nov 17, 2003
Hi Kat
I too miss the open countryside, as I also live in a built up area in North Lanarkshire, just south of Glasgow.... I've lived here 11 years now, and I still can't get used to it. I spent most of my life living in really out-of-the-way places, in gorgeous countryside.
Anywhere near trees or water is wonderful for the spirit.... My walls are covered with Landscape and seascape paintings, plus wildlife ones of course...
...especially otters *lol* If I'm feeling low, I just transport myself into the pictures. I know it sounds kinda silly, but oft-times I can actually feel the wind and sea-spray on my face, hear the gulls and the surf crashing in, and I feel energised once more
It's a great exercise for de-stressing....
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 17, 2003
Hi Prideth
I love hearing the sound of the sea crashing against the shore. When I used to go on holiday, I used to go to the sea side very early in the morning and it was so peaceful then.
I think I have some sounds of nature on tape, ie the sea, for relaxing.
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Nov 18, 2003
Hi kat
I totally agree with you about the sea's effects on the human psyche. I much prefer going to the seaside in winter, for two reasons really; 1. More chance of finding the beach deserted, you have it all to yourself....
2. The strong winds at that time of year means, bigger, whiter waves, and marveling at the gulls aerobatics in dodging the waves and getting buffeted up and down.
The coast is much more dramatic in winter....
I've tried to listen to relaxation tapes, but, unfortunately, my mind won't co-operate...*lol* it just skips all over the place. I know that they really work for some people though. The failing's in me, rather than the tapes themselves.
P.S. Isn't life , the wind is blowing a hooly as I'm writing this.
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 18, 2003
Hi Prideth I hope you are keeping wel well.
I remember my grandparents walking from Ashington to Newbiggin in all weathers right up to their 80's. They would watch the white waves crash against the shore. My grandad would say in his letter that he wondered what the waves saying.
Although I do have the relaxation tapes, it has been along time since I have used them. I find the hardest part is concentrating on the breathing. I think that the hardest part for anyone is to find a
method of relaxation that suits them. It is the switching off I find difficult and especially when there is backround noises and distractions.
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Nov 19, 2003
Mornin' Kat
How are you this very fine day? I'm absolutely beside myself with excitement as my very first ever entry for h2g2 has made it as the main entry on the Front Page....
I can't believe it!
Your grandparents sound like wonderful folks out walking all over the countryside into their 80's! An example for us all, methinks...
My gran did a lot of hosteling around the country when she was young, along with my Aunty Bunty. I always wanted to do it too, but
no-one else was willing to come along, and it's much to dodgy to do it alone nowadays.
It's funny, I used to live near a place in Scotland, that's also called Newbigging....
I your grandpa's theory of the waves telling a story
. Just think what stories the sea could tell us!
Keep well and happy Kat
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 19, 2003
Good Afternoon Prideth
I have just read your entry about otters, it is very good. Sadly I have never seen any in the wild but only in a zoo.
I hope you are keeping well and free from the flu that is going around. I know when I go to the doctor, they always say I have a virus but never flu.
I have only stayed at a hostel once. One area of Scotland I would like to visit is again is the Fort William area and the places south of it. When I was living in Barrhill in SE Ayrshire I went on a train from Glagsgow East (not Central) ) and got a train to Fort Willliam. There were very beautiful places in between Glasgow and Fort William. I also read an advert for Summer steam trains on the same line.
My grandparents and my mam and my aunt went to a large country farm house in the 20's in the lothian area which gave very big meals to their guests especially at high tea.
Those were the exact words my grandfather used "just think what stories that the waves could tell us".
Take care Prideth
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Nov 19, 2003
Thanks Kat so pleased you liked my entry
I've been lucky enough to see otters in the wild a few times, as I used to go surveying the local river systems for them, and doing twighlight otter watches with other otternuts. It's breath-takingly exciting to see them in the wild. They're such wonderful creatures! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll manage to see one in the wild yourself
It's a truly unforgetable experience
As for the flu, 'fraid I've not been lucky enough to miss it this year. Still recovering. How about you? Have you managed to miss it? I hope so, it's horrible!
Fort William is one of my favourite places in Scotland too! Its scenery is nothing short of spectacular! The steam train you mention sounds like our famous West Highland Line, which is one of the great train journeys in the world. I've never been on it, but always wanted to. If you ever get the chance to do it, *please* don't miss out you'd
it, I'm sure.
I'm starting to think I'm in the twighlight zone.......I originate from the Lothians, Midlothian, actually. Born in Auld Reekie, (Edinburgh). It's amazing how many things we seem to have in common
Lovely speaking to you Kat, may the MAGIC bless you!
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 19, 2003
Hi Prideth we have been lucky not to get the flu as both my parents and me have had the flu jab.
I was born 3 days early on July 31st ay 8:30 pm at the Simpson Hospital in Edinburgh. I was born in the year of the Rabbit and my element is wood and and my guide is a dog. I am also a Manifesting Generator.
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Nov 20, 2003
Mornin' Kat
So glad you and your parents have had the flu jab! I wouldn't wish this strain of flu on anyone.
That's totally amazing that you were born in Edinburgh too
It was the Eastern General Hospital that I was born in
I don't know my Human Design outline, but I was born in the Chinese year of the
or goat as it's also known, the year element was Fire (of course it would be what with me being a
an' all, *lol*), season: Water, month: Ox, double hour: Dog, House: Gender, and the
is the most *yin* (feminine sign) of the Chinese Animals.
My Western Astrology, well just the basics, is: Sun in Capricorn, Rising Sign: Virgo, Ruling Planet: Mercury, Setting Sign: Pisces, Setting Planet: Neptune.
The only reason I know all this is because I researched it all last year, and was fascinated enough to draw up my own charts, plus those of my family and close friends. I couldn't believe just how accurate they all were....
Keep well and happy Kat
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 20, 2003
Hi Prideth
I hope you are keeping well and are having a good evening.
I have had my birth chart done at least two times, what I remember is that my ascendent sign is Capricorn, my sun sign is leo (3rd) and my moon is in Sagiturius.
I get daily horrorscopes sent to my yahoo email account based on my birth charts but they vary alot from each other.
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Nov 21, 2003
Mornin' Kat
Thank you, I had a nice, but quiet evening, how about your good self?
I find astrology fascinating, but as you say, there can be quite differing charts given depending on who drew them up I've never actually had mine done professionally, only what I learned from books myself. I'm always a bit wary
of giving out my birth details over the net, so I tend to wimp out.
Well Kat, I hope you have a lovely day/evening, and I'll look forward to talking to you again, as always
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 21, 2003
Hi Prideth
I hope you are keeping well. I have had a good day, thanks. I find the day is never long enough to do all I want to do especially in winter.
I have realised that every time I I have been putting my details for to get a birth hororscope I have been putting the time my mother was admitted and not the right time which was 30 minutes later. So instead of 8:30pm I should have put 9:00.
I am feeling fine but do not seem to have as much energy as I do in the summer months. I like look at the sky at night when it is completely clear and all the stars are visible.
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Nov 22, 2003
Mornin' Kat
Nice to hear you had a good day yesterday mine wasn't too bad either.
There are some days where I find there aren't enough hours in the day too, but
also some days that I wish were shorter.
I dare say we all have those sorts of days where Murphy's Law seems to seep in and take over
I know you said you were born in Edinburgh, but were you registered up here too? The reason I ask is, that up here the Registrar has to put actual time of birth on your birth certificate, whereas, in England, I don't think they have to. I think it's an easy mistake to make. there not much light pollution then where you are? Even on a clear night, it is quite difficult to see many stars here due to the light pollution
I love stargazing too.
A friend of the family taught me all the major constellations when I was just three years old, but,
, I've forgotten nearly all of them now.
to hear you don't have as much energy in the winter-time
do you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) perchance?
I hope you keep well and stay happy (or Mooibly and Takalani, respectively, as my South African friend says) Kat
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 22, 2003
Hi Prideth
Thank you Prideth I am keeping well. I hope you are keeping well too.
My birth was registed in Edinburgh, I do not have my original birth certificate but a copy.
There is alot of light pollution where I live. There are so many strong lights, more than necessary.
I do not know if what I have is SAD or just winter blues.
My father comes from East London, South Africa.<
Take care Prideth
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Nov 22, 2003
Evenin' Kat
Thought I'd sneak online for a wee while, I know I shouldn't really because I'm really pushing my luck with my time (
dial-up), but it should be
for a very wee while
Glad you're well Kat Today was absolutely gorgeous
Powder blue skies with a pink glow round the horizon, and frost ice crystals sparkling like millions of tiny diamonds! Just beautiful! Enough to cheer anyone up, so I hope it was like that down your way too
It also means clear skies for the stars to sparkle like millions of tiny diamonds too
another thing in common, well, a wee bit at least,
your dad is South African, and I have a friend who lives in Stellenbosch, the wine making region
Take care till next we speak Kat
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 22, 2003
Hi Prideth
Sadly the skies are very overclouded where I am. I love the rare occassions when they sky so clear and it is like looking into Outer Space.
I have now found out I have lost the replica birth certificate. I must have lost during the move from Ashington to Grays Thurrock.
Take care Prideth
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Nov 23, 2003
Hi Kat
Ohhh! you didn't get such wonderful skies down there yesterday, maybe today, huh?
It's a lovely frosty, bright morning here again, but hasn't got the same pink glow today
Sorry to to hear you've lost your birth certificate copy I think it costs
money to get a replacement, and I'm not sure whether you can get one down there, rather than from the office in Edinburgh where you were first registered???? Mind you, on saying that, nowadays all they have to do is make a request via computer, *I think*, but please don't quote me on that
Have a super day Kat
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 26, 2003
Hi Prideth
I hope you are keeping well and that the weather is not getting you too down.
I am sorry that I have taken so long in replying. It has been getting very crowded in the shops and just last Saturday I was at Morrisons and it was the busiest it has ever been.
I hope that because of the wet weather we have been having in Essex this November it will mean that we at least get proper winter weather in Decemeber. The year before I was born there was snow from boxing day until Easter. I think it was the worst winter weather that the British Isles has ever had.
Because I live in a block of flats any wind we get the effect of it is doubled. Last night I was woken up with the wind. We rarely ever get thunder and lightening.
Thank you for the advice I can either find out at the post office or at the library.
Take care Prideth
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Hi Kat *hug*
- 1: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Nov 17, 2003)
- 2: Reality Manipulator (Nov 17, 2003)
- 3: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Nov 17, 2003)
- 4: Reality Manipulator (Nov 17, 2003)
- 5: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Nov 18, 2003)
- 6: Reality Manipulator (Nov 18, 2003)
- 7: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Nov 19, 2003)
- 8: Reality Manipulator (Nov 19, 2003)
- 9: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Nov 19, 2003)
- 10: Reality Manipulator (Nov 19, 2003)
- 11: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Nov 20, 2003)
- 12: Reality Manipulator (Nov 20, 2003)
- 13: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Nov 21, 2003)
- 14: Reality Manipulator (Nov 21, 2003)
- 15: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Nov 22, 2003)
- 16: Reality Manipulator (Nov 22, 2003)
- 17: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Nov 22, 2003)
- 18: Reality Manipulator (Nov 22, 2003)
- 19: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Nov 23, 2003)
- 20: Reality Manipulator (Nov 26, 2003)
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