This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 12, 2003
Hi Kat
for the
I've got to as I've got the hospital again this mornin' and I'm running late, so, *please* hold that thought, and I'll be back, promise!
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 12, 2003
..........' back! Phew, that's better! *lol*
There now! How are you today Kat? .
I had to rush off like that earlier, you must be
ed too after holding onto that thought all this time!
, you can let go of it now, *lol*.
Thank goodness for the
you gave me earlier, a real energy boost!
Where were we? ....oh yeah, I remember now
, your amazing invention!
Now, where to go? What to do? For me, I'd have to go and meet the crew of Moya from Farscape,
! It's frelling dren that they stopped making any more Farcsape
! Did you ever watch it Kat, seeing as how you're a fellow sci-fi nut? Oh! And Babylon 5 too,
aren't you clever,
, being able to write at the computer!
Not me, I'm hopeless in front of a pc screen,
I need to use old-fashioned pen and paper for writing. Never been much good with these contraptions, *lol*. Mind you, on saying that, I shouldn't diss computers really, as I've met such great people, like your good self because of them!
I'm really chuffed with myself today! Guess what? I managed to get my South African friend a gorgeous enamel and crystal heather brooch and the perfect Xmas card too! Yay!!! It even got posted today! I got there in the end, *lol*!
Oh! Nearly forgot your Xmas
Kat! It's one of the
s from Phareele. Remember now, you have to close your eyes, make your wish, open the parcel, and Voila! It's your heart's desire!
Take care Kat, speak to ya soon
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Dec 12, 2003
Hi Prideth
I hope you have been keeping well. Thanks, I have been but I feel like I need alot of sleep. Strange even though I am living in the South I am seem to need more sleep than I did when I was living in Scotland.
I did watch Farscape for a while when it was on BBC2. I liked the idea of a living spaceship. I have watched more of Babylon 5 when it was on the sci-fi channel and when it was on Bravo.
The reason why I prefer pc's is that my handwriting is very bad and even I cannot read at times.
I think brooches are very elegant and a crystal heather brooch is very beautiful. I remember the heather and the gorse when I lived in Scotland, it was very beautiful. I was named after a loch in the Trossachs - Loch Katrine. I have been there. I also when I visited Loch Lohmond when I was living there heard the music of the Scottish Gaelic band Runrig. They are very good and now and again I can hear their music in my mind.
Thank you very much for the xmas present
from Pharelee.
May fill all the
Take care Prideth.
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 13, 2003
Hiyah Kat
to hear you've been so
, mind you,
away Kat, if you're having such amazing dreams!
Kat, I'm
. My visit to the hospital yesterday had some great news, and some not so good news. The not so good news is, I've to go back again for a scan including Barium Meal
(that should give you a clue,
), but the great news is, I'm finally down under the 10 stone milemark! Yippee!!! That means I've lost 2 stone 2lbs!!!
So....that really cheered me!
So glad you liked your Kat, whadya wish fer?
Oh ! What a compliment to be named after such a beautiful Loch!
You must be an absolute stunner!
My middle name, Cromarty, comes from the main village on Scotland's Black Isle. You know, as in Ross & Cromarty?
"May fill all the
....what a beautiful blessing Kat!
Hear, hear!
Take care Kat, and have a super day!
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Dec 13, 2003
Hiyah Prideth
I hope you are keeping well and that the weather is not too dull and overcast.
Thanks Prideth I am feeling well better than I have been for a while. I am looking outside our of the windows of our flats and even though it is misty I can see the hills of Kent.
I am sorry Prideth that you are having to have a barium x-ray. My Dad has had a few. There is quite abit oit of fasting and drinking lots of liquids.
I happy that you have had such great success with your diet.
Thanks Prideth for the
, I wished that I could find true
one day.
Thanks for the very kind compliments Prideth. I have only been to Loch Katrine once and it was a day trip with my Mam and my sister.
I have not been to Ross and Cromtary but I have seen photos and pictures of the place and it is a very beautiful place. I have been to the Isle of Mull with my parents and my sisters and to Iona to visit the community there.
Take care Prideth
Thanks I am sure I will have a great day and I hope you will have a wonderful day too.
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 14, 2003
Hi Kat
I'm so pleased that you're feeling so good, long may it continue!
I'm fine too
I can't say I'm lookin' forward to the barium thingamybob though
! I'm a bit (or I should say, "a lot") of a wimp when it comes to that kinda thing.
to hear that your Dad has had to have these too, how's he doin' now Kat?
Isn't it ? I've lived in Scotland *nearly* all my life (except for three years spent in Yorkshire) and I've never been to Mull or Iona. My other family members have,
just not little old me, (Awwwh! *lol*).
for the
congrats for losing the weight Kat,
It wasn't actually a diet though, it just came off all by itself, haven't a clue how.
I feel absolutely positive that you're wish for true will come true Kat! How could anyone fail to
Have a terrific day Kat, take care
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Dec 14, 2003
Hi Prideth
I hope you are keeping well Prideth and had a good and restful weekend.
Thank you Prideth for your very kind concern and thoughts towards my Dad. My Dad is due to have another barium meal x-ray but because he had a chest infection it was cancelled.
I am feeling tired and I think I am starting to get a cold as my throat is very sore. My Dad has a chest infection and my Mam has a cold.
Thank you for your very kind thoughts Prideth.
Take care Prideth
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 15, 2003
Mornin' Kat
to hear about your Dad, I hope they put him right again at the hospital, once he's over his chest infection, of course. And, please wish yer Mam a speedy recovery too Kat.
Oh, you poor thing, catching cold too! Take good care of yourself, and here's a hot
to help.
Kat, my weekend was as David "The Duke" Dickinson would say, "A bit of a liquorice allsort". We finally got round to putting up the Christmas decorations
, which was as always both fun and frustrating! The most frustrating
was that my £40 set of net lights for the big tree
had given up the ghost already! I only bought them the year before last!
The wiring was knacked, I don't know how, because I'm always so careful to look after the wiring??? We just put up the other trees instead, and all hubby's
s, (he's Xmas daft!). The house looks really pretty now, so it was fun in the end!
Have you got yours up yet Kat?
I hope you feel much better soon Kat, take care,
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Dec 15, 2003
Hi>Hi Prideth
Thank you Prideth for your very kind concern towards my Mam and Dad I will
tell pass on your kind regards to them.
Along with the antibiotic I got some traditional pastilles, nasal spray, garlic cough medicine, traditional catarrh herbal remedy tablets and high strength garlic capsules for my parents colds.
I have not started to put the decorations up, I have got the trees but all I need is the time and energy. I have not started buying the Christmas presents yet. I have got lights but I do not know if they are working. Your house must look very beautiful, cheerful and decorative to brighten the winter nights. I find putting christmas decorations very hard to do.
Thank you for the hot
which will help my immune system.
I will feel better as long as I go to bed early.
Take care Prideth
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 16, 2003
Hi Kat
Hope you got your early night and you're feeling a bit better today?
Glad the
helped, it did for me when I had the flu!
With all that treatment, your Mam and Dad should be better in no time.
Kat, the house is lookin' lovely now, but I'm shattered after all the hard work
! It is very *hard work* doing it, in fact I get rather
ratty, and have to do it in stages over a couple of days, so I know what you mean.
I'm sure yours will look smashin' once it's done too Kat!
Take it easy though, yeah!
Have a terrific day Kat, and get better soon. , oh, and some more hot
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Dec 17, 2003
Hi Prideth
I have had been able to have an early night and I feel very rested today.
I have found with my Dad that when he gets a heavy cold in winter that even with anti-biotics he needs to have plenty of di-congestant medication and herbal medicine. I forget this time and he is on anti-biotics but
I have gone to the health food shop and asked them about traditional di-congestant remedies.
Thanks Prideth I am sure with the combination of rest, hot
sunshine (it's a sunny day today) I will get better very quickly.
Thank-you for the hot
it will help me alot.
Take care Prideth
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 18, 2003
Hi Kat
So pleased you managed to get an early night and you're feeling much improved.
I hope your Dad feels better too, with the decongestants.
I wanted to spend a bit more time chatting to you this mornin', but I've got to get ready to go out, so I'll be back later,
Speak tae ye later today Kat
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 19, 2003
Mornin' Kat
I'm rather late in gettin' back to ya! I've been
ning around like a headless chicken this last couple of days,
. So much to do and so little time!
I hope you're feeling better, and the same healing wishes for your Mam and Dad.
I spent yesterday with an angler friend of mine who runs a trout hatchery near one of the local rivers, the Nethan. I was helping him look after this season's batch of eggs. They are doing really well, and are now, what they call eyed-up, (starting to develop the babies, in other words). It's really exciting to watch new life forming in front of your eyes ! He recons they'll hatch out around the end of January/beginning of February. It's always wonderful to see the new babies/fry!
isn't nature magical!?!
Although I enjoyed it yesterday, and the day before, goin' to see Return of the King , I'm lookin' forward to a quieter day today....
. I need to catch up on all my messages too...
Hope you have a smashin' day Kat
Prideth - festive
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Dec 19, 2003
Hi Prideth
I hope you are keeping well. For the last two days I have been trying to do so many things but I have not got the energy. I think it is due to the fact the day-time is so short. I too feel like a headless chicken. If you had TARDIS you could do everything at once.
Thanks Prideth, I am feeling better but in a panic. Thank you for the very kind healing wishes for my Mam and Dad.
That is one thing I have never seen is Salmon. Nature is wonderful in all her wisdom.
I remember being read the Hobbit which is the prequel to the Ring at school and I was enchantened of the world of the hobbit. I have seen a few previews of the Return of the King it seems to be the best of the three.
Prideth, I hope you have had a stress fee day.
Take care Prideth
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 20, 2003
Mornin' Kat
Headless chickens have got nothin' on us, eh Kat?! I 'spose you've been doin' breathing and relaxation excercises as much as I have
? Positive thinking too; chant, "I will relax, I can do this!" and "Calm...calm....calm....calm...."
Feeling unwell with a cold
certainly doesn't help either! By the by Kat,the healing wishes were for you
My friend's hatchery has Brown Trout, Brook Trout, and Grayling, but unfortunately no Salmon. I have seen Salmon in the wild and they are beautifully marked fish! People tend not to think about our native fish as being beautiful, wonderful creatures, except anglers that is. They tend to concentrate more on the cute furry animals like badgers, squirrels, etc. It's sad really, because they're just as fascinating
The Hobbit? I haven't read that since I was wee. Must read all of them again, if I get the time.
Hope you feel much better soon Kat and the stress levels subside
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Dec 20, 2003
Hi Prideth
I hope you are keeping well. I I have been to the emergency doctor centre today. We do not have doctors coming out anymore. It took from 9:30 am to 3:00pm to get in touch with the Doctor and get to the health centre/hospital and back to the flat. We had to get a taxi as it is an awkard place to get to. When we were going back we found out there were no buses and there was no telephone at the place to telephone for a taxi after a futile 20 minute wait we went back to the place but not no-one could help us. We were given vague instructions on how to get to a place where there were more buses but we got lost. In the end we went to the local library and a lady offered us a lift to the town centre where we lived. When we were going to the flats where live it was very windy but a man helped me and my Dad back to the flats as the winds were so strong we could have fallen over. There are very kind people around.
I hope your day has been good and stress free.
Take care Prideth
Hi Kat *hug*
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 21, 2003
Oh Kat, you poor thing! What an ordeal! How is it you needed an emergency doc, if it's
to ask? I hope after all that, you managed to get the treatment to help!? I hope you've recovered from what sounds like a terrible day?
Thank goodness for the kind person who helped you!
You must take it easy now Kat, yeh!
I had a day yesterday. I met my ex's new wife for the first time. We seemed to get on ok, but you never quite know with something like that do you? Strange experience! Isn't life just full of little surprises, (some good/some not so good!)?
Well Kat, my good friend, please take good care of yourself, and feel better soon!
Prideth - concerned friend.
Oh! About the , we had some last night, but
it's all gone this mornin'!
the snow!
Hi Kat *hug*
Reality Manipulator Posted Dec 21, 2003
Hi Prideth
I am using a cable tv digibox (accessing h2g2 via tv email link) and I get booted off everytime I post. What I do is I go the first posting and post my posting but I cannot read any replies as I keep on getting booted of h2g2.
Please can I use the other thread/conversation instead.
Take care Prideth
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Hi Kat *hug*
- 61: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 12, 2003)
- 62: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 12, 2003)
- 63: Reality Manipulator (Dec 12, 2003)
- 64: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 13, 2003)
- 65: Reality Manipulator (Dec 13, 2003)
- 66: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 14, 2003)
- 67: Reality Manipulator (Dec 14, 2003)
- 68: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 15, 2003)
- 69: Reality Manipulator (Dec 15, 2003)
- 70: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 16, 2003)
- 71: Reality Manipulator (Dec 17, 2003)
- 72: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 18, 2003)
- 73: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 19, 2003)
- 74: Reality Manipulator (Dec 19, 2003)
- 75: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 20, 2003)
- 76: Reality Manipulator (Dec 20, 2003)
- 77: Reality Manipulator (Dec 20, 2003)
- 78: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 21, 2003)
- 79: Reality Manipulator (Dec 21, 2003)
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