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Futures changed with the flick of a pen...

Post 1


Well I've just heard from my school about my Philosophy and Ethics re-mark. My paper has gone up 19% taking me clearly into an A! smiley - smiley

What shocks me most is the fact that due to "examiner error" (a nice ambiguous term) my mark changed that much. I was lucky in that I made it into York with my grades, and the lower mark I was origianlly given didn't hamper that. Its worrying that there may be other people who didn't get into their first choice uni due to an error of the type I just encountered. I still haven't heard about the History re-mark (from the same exam board) and I'll let you know when I do!

Anyway, I'm currently in the process of getting ready for Uni. I don't go till Oct 9th but I'm trying to get as much done now as possible so I don't have a last minute rush of forms to fill in, shopping trips to go on etc. As you can tell all is fun in the life of Sken!


Futures changed with the flick of a pen...

Post 2

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

It can be more severe.
In our paper was today that someone went to court to get his examination passed because of severe errors by the one who had checked it and failed him.
The judge agreed, and now he will get his diplom.smiley - ok

Futures changed with the flick of a pen...

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - bubbly ~Skenvoy smiley - applause

If I could live my life again I'd go to Uni at York!smiley - wow

Futures changed with the flick of a pen...

Post 4


well done there, skenvot did you miss me :P, only joking

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