Well im a female,19yrs of age,and i live in the uk in a small town called Pontefract. Ive just left college studing health and social care, but im not quite sure to go back this september. In the future i want to work with the elderly in there own home or in care home. My dads a member in h2g2 aswell, that how i got to know about this. A bundle of money which has been chained and padlockedMan falling out of bed I haven't got many hobbies or anything like that i just like to go out with my mates and have a laugh n giggle with each other. Im not much of a drinker so i like to watch movies and play on the computer while im not at work( which is very boring). Oh yeah n i work in a clothes store part time because ive just left college.Ive been there for about a year and half and i hate it there, but its better then nothing really. Procrastination£


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a poem from my mate Jan 24, 2005 No Replies


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