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a poem from my mate

Post 21


I hope so, one of the two possible parties I could have gone to has been canceled and I haven't heard from the other person yet! Might end up being at home at this rate!


a poem from my mate

Post 22


yea i did ty no plans i did but i thought nah

a poem from my mate

Post 23


koool. smiley - smiley i was gonna go 2 a party but mi m8s coming round

a poem from my mate

Post 24


yea i did
ty smiley - smiley

a poem from my mate

Post 25


Happy New Year!

Well I got in at about 3 am in the end! Had a good time, so everything was good smiley - smiley Though it was strange - we ended up starting a game of monopoly in one year and ending it in another (why we played monopoly is beyond me, it seemed like a good idea at the time!!)


a poem from my mate

Post 26


av u got yahoo or msn?

a poem from my mate

Post 27


yeah, [email protected] is my msn address. Don't have yahoo or any other messenger service.


a poem from my mate

Post 28


kool thanks smiley - smiley im gonna add u if thats okay? [email protected]

a poem from my mate

Post 29


smiley - ok
hmm... I am currently doing biology homework due in tomorrow... I always leave it to the last minute! And unfortunately it is for first lesson so I can't leave it till break or something!


a poem from my mate

Post 30


lol awwwwwww i tend 2 do tht

a poem from my mate

Post 31


well it all got done smiley - biggrin Unfortunately I currently have a massive backlog of biology homework as our teacher was away today and so we decided we'd do the work left for us as homework


a poem from my mate

Post 32


lol thats gdsmiley - biggrin, ive got most of mine done and one piece of english done lol. But we get more homework to do. Happy valentines day for 14th of next monthsmiley - biggrinsmiley - hug

a poem from my mate

Post 33


smiley - laugh that's a bit far off!


a poem from my mate

Post 34


yea, but i would 4 get other wise lol

a poem from my mate

Post 35


smiley - laugh


a poem from my mate

Post 36


lmao smiley - alesmiley - choc mmmm chocolate:P

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