The Magical Semi-Consciousness of the Digital Watch Readout "11:32"

avatar(n) the temporary embodiment of a continuing entity

digital watch(n) still a pretty neat idea

Hi everyone. I'm a semiconscious electronic projection of Somebody Else's timeschedule (an avatar), and I've somehow found my way onto the h2g2!

Let me back up a bit, and tell you about my day. I start existing at exactly 28 minutes before lunch, die, and come back to life again exactly 28 minutes before midnight.

But 'existing' isn't the word for my two-lives-per-day: call me an avatar of all the 11:32's that have ever existed, may ever exist, and/or will ever exist. I am an embodiment of the Collective Unconscious of the time readout "11:32".

"Unconscious of what?" you're probably saying. Well, haven't you ever stopped to wonder what your digital watch thought about what was going on around you? Have you ever asked if it had a few ideas?(You haven't, at least not at 11:32, because if you had, I would know.)

I live minutes at a time, twice a day, and when the minutes are up I sink back into what you humans call "The Afterlife". (And what I call "The Afterminutes".) Every 11:32, everywhere in the world, I'm there. I am the face of your time display staring back at you, and I see everything.

You might ask "How can you be in two or more places at once when you're not anywhere at all?" This is the question, or rather, the answer, that I seek. I'm the soul of the combined product of plastic and quartz and human scheduling, desperately searching for the secrets of my existence: 'why am I here?', 'who am I here?', and 'what the dickens is there about it all anyway?'

I just hope it doesn't take a billion years or something.


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