Journal Entries

Sound Relief

Pictures from one of the best days in my entire life:

smiley - elf

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Latest reply: Mar 17, 2009

Stealing our Thunder

smiley - elf

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Latest reply: Feb 27, 2009

The heat

Yesterday was the hottest day in Melbourne in recorded history. It got to 46° (114.8°F) in the city 47° (116.6°F) where I was and up to 48° (118.4°F) in out lying areas.
I escaped most of the heat in air-con at work.

Needless to say there were many bushfires, many of which are still burning. There were a few small local fires near us, but none close enough to threaten.

It was incredible. I was outside for about half an hour waiting for a lift. The hot air was so dry, I didn't even sweat. The moisture just evaporated right off me. It was incredibly windy. the cool change hit just as my lift arrived, and by the time we got home it had dropped about 10 degrees.

So far I've heard 25 lives were lost, and they expect there may be a total of 40.

It's only going to get to 24° (75.2°F). Phew! The rest of the week looks pretty good too. We may even get some rain.

What a crazy world at the moment. In Townsville (North Queensland) where my little sister lives, it is flooded. The roads in and out are all cut off.
And I hear in the UK it's the worst cold snap in 13 years.

I wonder why it's a 'heat wave' and a 'cold snap'?

smiley - elf

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Latest reply: Feb 8, 2009

My age

Hypatia has made me ponder my age. Well, I do that a lot anyway. Do you ever stop being surprised at how old you're getting?
Dame Elizabeth Murdoch is on the telly in the background. She's looking quite sharp for 100. Seems to have all her marbles.

Back to me. I seem to have hit the age where people say to me these things happen as you get older. I'm only 35, and don't feel any different than when I was 25. I'm certainly fitter. My arches have fallen though, which the podiatrist says happens as you get older.
There are other niggly little aches and pains that I get occasionally that apparently also happen as you get older.
I thought keeping physically fit would deter all this, but apparently if your body wants to fall apart it does so whether you like it or not.

I seem to be saying apparently a lot.

I have also hit the age where you loose your Grandparents. Nan (mum's mother) died late 2007, which was a terrible time and I don't think I'll ever get over it. I did plan to write about it here, and may have alluded to it, but never quite brought myself to write the full details. Maybe one day. My Dad's father died last year, not quite so painful as I didn't really know the man. I saw him maybe twice since I was 5.
Now Nanna (Dad's Mum) is dying. She has her good days and her bad ones, but it seems she is not long for this world. I'm not sure how I will react to this one. I don't know her all that well and haven't seen her in some years. (She lives across the Tasman in Tasmania) She was never as involved with us as my mum's mum was. Nan was almost like a second mum, whereas Nanna was an old lady we used to visit for Christmas. She never really showed much affection and always seemed to favour the cousins.
I didn't think I'd be too cut up when the time came, however surprised myself by getting a little teary when talking to Mum about it on the phone the other day.
Perhaps I don't know myself as well as I thought.

smiley - elf

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Latest reply: Feb 4, 2009

A Who Movie

We were all devastated when our founder, Douglas Adams, died.
I'm sure you were all as frustrated, disappointed and saddened as I was when you got half way through 'The Salmon of Doubt' only for there to be no more ever (even though we went in knowing it was only half a book).

Here's another little factoid you can be disappointed about. Apparently, just months before his death, Douglas Adams was in talks with the BBC about writing a Doctor Who movie!!!

Oh, we have sooooooo missed out.

smiley - elf

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Latest reply: Jan 24, 2009

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