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Life's like a movie..

..write your own ending. smiley - musicalnote

Or, if I can just get through this alive, there won't be any reason to ..not That was too much of a tangent I think, I'm even losing myself.

I know what the problem is..I haven't had any mind-blowing loopy breakthroughs on the nature of the universe or anything lately. I'm a thinker. Stupidly so, but profound all the same smiley - winkeye. Do be do be do.

And I'm not handling the mundane well either. For example, a certain significant other and myself have been so noncommunicative that we double-dosed poor Josey on his asthma medicine last night. smiley - groan Had to call poison control. Apparently, it's not a problem because they've had many calls from parents whose kids have snarfed down a whole bottle of the stuff because it tastes good. I guess I'm at least not doing as bad as the parents who leave medicine out where their kids can *eat a whole bottle of it*! And who has kids that are so ill-trained that they'd feel free to do that anyway?! Jesus Christ, teach some limitations. smiley - tongueout Chicken-sh*t parents p*ss me off. Sorry.

Of course, maybe I have no room to talk. I'm the one who swears rather indiscriminately around my kids and who trained my girl to say 'pie' like Cartman and who frequently doesn't get dinner on the table until 10 pm.

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Latest reply: Oct 15, 2003

1st night

I'm physically out of my house though vast vast quantities of my cr*p are still there.

Oh lookie, the sun is coming up. I went to bed. I tried. I did my part, durn it. I didn't sleep a wink allf*cking night. And a fun day of driving ahead! Whee!

Coffee coffee coffee me do! smiley - musicalnote

I'd go nap on the couch, but mom's overgrown puppy will eat me. Or worse, will lick me smiley - yuk. No likey young dogs!

I took a shower this *morning*. Now, the smiley - devil has to at least adjust the thermostat when *that* happens. I'm an evening soaker, yes I am.

Up before the sunrise I am. On a saturday. Maybe I should read the horoscopes, or at least the weather. hmm.. Something is afoot. And not just the usual smiley - footinmouth Hehe.

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Latest reply: Oct 11, 2003


Poor little Jo-jo crab died today.

After I had been keeping him near me for observation, I returned him to his cage and placed him on his black to see if he had the energy to bother to right himself. After a bit, I decided to go about other household chores. When I next checked him, I found that he had righted himself, crawled over to 'cuddle' next to Ny-ny Fish crab and relaxed out of his shell finally and died. smiley - cry Poor little pickle.

Joseph took it pretty well. The poor bean had quite a lot of disappointment today, as this morning I told him that he could no longer go to his preschool because we were moving. I had told him before, but today it sunk in and he was inconsolable. . And then he learns that his little pet won't get to move with us. Poor Josey. He's a reasonable little guy, thankfully, and the sweet dear has been frequently checking on Nyssa's crab to make sure she's ok. smiley - love

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Latest reply: Oct 10, 2003


I think Jo-jo crab is dying. smiley - cry I have him in front of me here, and he's just so unhappy looking and reluctant to move. I don't know what to do smiley - wahsmiley - crysmiley - blue

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Latest reply: Oct 9, 2003

Oh my God. Sorting socks is the ultimate.

Oh wait...

I've discovered a second bit that goes with the socks getting lost phenomenon - if you've had kids, newborn baby socks will manage to reappear in the laundry, no matter what you do with them. Now, I admit that for a long time I couldn't get rid of *all* of them, they being so tiny and cute and reminiscent and all. But sheesh - they're preschoolers now and I still have 2 inch socks popping up in the laundry basket.

And why am I sorting socks at 5 in the morning? Well, todayish, we're going to be moving in with my mother, and I may as well find some matches, and get rid of old and lonely socks. I really should do the dishes though before the power man comes and deprives me of hot water. Dirty b*stards. smiley - tongueout I should also think about washing my manky hair. I'm thinking actually that's a fair measure of how depressed I am - how long I'm willing to endure gross hair. Today sucked. I didn't sleep much last night. Went to bed this afternoon and had nightmares. Got up and was so body and psyche brickish that I couldn't do anything but either bury my head in the arm of the couch or get up, walk around a bit, feel horrid and start to cry. I'm lucky to have as sensitive a husband as I do. Enough time laying on the couch and hiding my face in his shirt and the brick finally went away and I was able to function.

Concerned about what to do with my clothes. When you're smallish, 15 pounds makes a lot of difference in what you can fit into. Since I'm going to be on the pill for a while, should I just assume that I'm going to be 'curvier' semi-permanently? If I'm not such a lazy ass will that make any difference? I'm not willing to diet because I see no need, and I'm anemic enough as it is. Besides, it's kind of interesting to have t*ts. Haven't had ones like these since I was pregnant. My *ss doesn't look *too* bad. Mostly, I just want to know if there's any point in keeping clothes that are too small for me at the moment, or if I should lug them around as I move about.


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Latest reply: Oct 9, 2003

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