This is the Message Centre for Stef (keeper of the lack of creativity)

Special K

Post 61

Stef (keeper of the lack of creativity)

Enjoy what? (Ha, a two word answer)

Special K

Post 62

Elbow Yangle (and the case for boys in eyeliner)

Your a doofus. And you can't prove anything. smiley - winkeye

Alrighty Peachy-girl, I might just. smiley - winkeye no one knows my pass word! hahahaaa...

Special K

Post 63

Elbow Yangle (and the case for boys in eyeliner)

Dammit girl I can't remember ur password! grrr... I can remember the main bit, but not the rest of it. hmph. give me a clue....

Special K

Post 64


clue = a certain taylor we both know.

This thread amuses me no end.

Nivea deoderant rocks. Seriously. (and the vaseline one's quite nice too)

Special Kathryn :D

Post 65


She doesn't know mine.

I love Stefan too... I like this bandwagon!

Heehee! smiley - choc

Special Kathryn?

Post 66

Elbow Yangle (and the case for boys in eyeliner)

Nonono...I remember the taylor orientated part, just not the numerical bit! doh...and I'll work out yours one day Kathryn, when years of reading what u type over your shoulder will finally pay off!

I've got to go Rainbows in a bit, and I get to string them up from trees at Pettypool. That is if it stops raining!

They do vasaline deodorant? cool!

Its a widely known fact that Stafan rocks, and Mike is a dinkis. Nuff said.


Post 67

Stef (keeper of the lack of creativity)

Don't be surprised if i don't speak to you for at least a week. How could you? STEFAN! That is all that ask for! Bloody Hell x50. WHY can't anyone spell my name?


Post 68


I have nothing to say to that. To be honest it didn't make sense. But that's okay, in fact it's pretty damn nice.

So we all happy now?


Post 69

Elbow Yangle (and the case for boys in eyeliner)

Ooops! Sorry! *pats STEFAN on head* didnt notice that spelink. smiley - sadface And you know perfectly well that I can spell your name boy! Despite the fact that ur obviously french (apparently). Still dont quite understand that convo! hmmm...anyways, the fact that I said you rock should make up for the fact that I spelt ur name wrong. You have spelt mine wrong in the past im sure. "Moose" is a blatant spelling error of "Liz"! smiley - tongueout

I would have been more happy if you had been in school today Vic, wher were you? You ok?

And for those of you who harbour an interest, my exam was s**t. My accompaniest turned over 2 pages by mistake, so had to stop and start over, and then she went from the wrong place. It was awful. Plus the fact that I didnt know any of the scales (i made them all up) and I can't sight read, and the fact that they asked me summat on the aurals that hadnt been on any of the practise ones. Hmph. All in all it was a crap day. I need a hug. And to stop hurting myself.


Post 70

Stef (keeper of the lack of creativity)

Why am i French obviously? Moose isn't a spelling mistake, it is another name given to you.


Post 71


stef, that'd mean that she eats herself. Never a good plan.

Today I had a total of 1 lesson, and that was with Hunto. I had a job interview this afternoon and would have come home early anyway so decided to cut my losses and spend the day writing my personal statement and doing the huge mound of ironing I have allowed to accumulate.


Post 72

Elbow Yangle (and the case for boys in eyeliner)

Ah...I had no lessons at all today. My arms hurt. I should stop doing that I think. Had a crappy day again, appart from lunch. Lunch was fun. Certain people arent helping. Hmph. Managed not to get chucked our of anywhere by Deaco though! Go me!

Oooo...ironing. nice. Hmmm...I can see how thats a good thing I suppose. Good work (go'erk) with the getting of ur job btw! I know that no one can resist you! smiley - winkeye


Post 73


"certain people aren't helping"

hmm, the lady says something which interests me then leaves it. Who's this "certain people" then? enlighten me.

(haha, cos I know it isn't me, cos I wasn't in!)


Post 74

Elbow Yangle (and the case for boys in eyeliner)

I fyou think about it you already know. You didnt miss too much today really. We tried to line dance again, but that was about it really. Crap day. smiley - smiley I only do it to be all mysterious anyways. smiley - winkeye Im not an overly subtle person, and you all know that!


Post 75


Have a happy holiday Liz. The stuff that doesn't happen doesn't matter, that even goes for some that does. Keep your chin up and stay lovely.

Text me if you want to go to Adam's, and I'll walk up.


Post 76

Elbow Yangle (and the case for boys in eyeliner)

Had concert. Knackered. I'mnot going anywhere. Except for here apparently. Little kids are so annoying at times.


Post 77

Elbow Yangle (and the case for boys in eyeliner)

OK, well today was nice, if boring. But *certain people* didnt do what *certain others* would have liked them to. This has made *certain others* unhappy, as they will not see *certain people* for at least 7 weeks. This sucks. Also the fact that *certain others* are blatant wooses. Dammit.
ok, so glaringly obvious enough? Come on, I'm dropping bloody anvils! (Why do they always use those in cartoons?)

Plus it turns out that the "gay one" at band isnt gay at all and apparently fancies me too. I'm just so darned irrisistable! Everyone should jump on this band wagon! Very suss though. He never actually *said* he was gay or anything, but it was kinda an assumed thing. Hmmm...suss.

And Phil and Dave did eventually find their way home. Well done them.


Post 78


Is this "gay" man who fancies you fanciable back? It might be just the ticket to happyville...

And you rock. Subtlty sucks and you rock.



Post 79

Elbow Yangle (and the case for boys in eyeliner)

By the way: the wuss (wose?) comment was aimed at me not you doofus. And its not so much a go at you as at muself. And Vickys right, subtlety does totally suck!

Gay guy is cute, but only in a "Im in year 10 and therefore Im small" kinda way. smiley - weird Spains gonna be interesting I think.

Last night rocked! Helen, Gemma and myself just talked total crap all night, sang stupid songs (20 green bottles, Reel Big Fish, Beatles medlies etc etc) and sorted out Rachels love life. (She as asking any chance with Thom Smith! Hahahaaaaa! smiley - laugh) Altogether great. Then Keir phoned me 3 times as he was being drunken stupour boy. Which was sumwhat entertaining!


Post 80

Elbow Yangle (and the case for boys in eyeliner)

Plus I think I really pi**ed adam off cos we phoned him when he was in the middle of a heart to heart with Mike on the "Pete and Helen" rope effort in Castle Park! How suspect?!

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