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Number of times this show has made me cry: 5

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Latest reply: Oct 9, 2002


I am disturbed...
Found something on my brothers' computer I did not want to know about..
smiley - erm
Wonder which one of them it is?

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Latest reply: Sep 26, 2002

Musical Me.

Well I am working a show called "Bye Bye bin Laden" as I'm sure you've already read elsewhere..

And other than that I'm just busy as a bee...

Lately I've been feeling sick or something, I'm not really sure but I'm more tired that usual.. a lot more.

Mebbe it's just going off the pill. Hormones can do that to you.

smiley - smiley Hormones can do a lot.

Anywho, I told Chad off, and we are completely no longer. Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last! smiley - winkeye J/K but I am glad to be single.

I've just been writing papers and trying to struggle my way through school and dance class... Which reminds me, I have school early tomorrow.. Gotta sleep!

Much smiley - love


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Latest reply: Sep 26, 2002


I'm never doing a film again.. for at least 2 months. smiley - laugh
This is hardcore work. I complain about theatre.. *rolls eyes* That's nothing compared to this.
One weekend down, one to go.

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Latest reply: Sep 17, 2002


Oh, yeah, and I'm single.
Though you wouldn't know it from the way my "ex" acts.
I'm so confused.

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Latest reply: Sep 10, 2002

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Pete *not quite dead yet*

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