Journal Entries

i need fiberfill!

hee. I've become a pillow-making maniac. *snicker*
yup, that's about all i've been doing.
well, that and shopping for "business casual" clothing.

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Latest reply: Aug 21, 2003

Summer of Satan.

actually it was just really weird. ;P

i went to new mexico, ended up not having to get my license or car, two new credit cards...

my best friend went through some stuff...

and i went on the atkins diet.


and i have now caught up on all conversations! *faints* wee!


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Latest reply: Aug 17, 2003

VH1 Rotted My Brain!

smiley - laugh Been watching far too much TV...
Although all the nonfiction I've been reading seems to even it out.
How in the name of all that's Douglas I ended up reading mathematics books, I can't tell you...
It's quite lovely, though...
Anyhow, other than my driving update, all has been well, albeit broke...
I really need to stop spending $$.
smiley - laugh
smiley - cheers, all!
-Pete (now in new mesquite flavour)

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Latest reply: Jun 20, 2003

It Makes the World Go 'Round!

Money, Money, Money....
Yah, I didn't do Cabaret last year, I swear!
That's what I've been up to lately...
Working extra hours to get my car!!
smiley - ok


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Latest reply: Jun 6, 2003


Ah, the lazy days of summer...
I'm about to go crackers 'cos there's nothing to do...
smiley - laugh

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Latest reply: Jun 3, 2003

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Pete *not quite dead yet*

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