Journal Entries


Well, I've finally caught up on here.. smiley - biggrin
I am now a happy Pete.
smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Aug 7, 2002


Apparently my personality is off. And I shall have to wait a few days for it to adjust. I apologize to anyone I may have offended in the past few days, forgive me.


The entry I was planning to write tonight:


Men are so weird. I got hit on tonight as I was walking home, innocently reading Terry Pratchett (reaper man) and some guy stopped at a light is all "what's up.. what's up.. oh you're readin' huh? what! she's all educated.. educated!!!" and then they took off. I'm not making this up. smiley - laugh Like I said, men are weird. I was out in my pajammies for crying out loud!


Tomorrow I'm going to see Signs with my mum. That should be cool. In fact, I should go to bed since we're going to get up early. See you in a few days. Ta.


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Latest reply: Aug 3, 2002


Went to the dentist today.
And now I'm off to the pool!
*swim swim*

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Latest reply: Aug 2, 2002


smiley - cross
My body keeps betraying me.
smiley - grr
I'm not seriously ill or anything..
Just sick of feeling icky..
smiley - sigh
smiley - bunny (poor bunny still needs a name!!)

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Latest reply: Jul 26, 2002

The COOLEST word in the world..

"tickmafied"- the state of having been tickled.
-Matt, of California (My adopted little brother! woo!)

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Latest reply: Jul 24, 2002

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Pete *not quite dead yet*

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